Steemit Engagement Challenge S8-W4 | An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

in Steem Cameroon2 years ago
An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away
What do you understand by this statement?

Haii Steemian!

"An apple a day keeps the doctor away," the proverb goes. Yet, while eating one apple a day may bring health advantages, there is no assurance that one apple will keep a person from being ill.
Apples are high in fiber, vitamin C, and antioxidants, all of which are beneficial to your overall health. Consumption of apples has also been associated to a lower incidence of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Other factors, such as general nutrition, physical activity level, and heredity, play an essential role in health and illness prevention.



Hence, while eating one apple every day might assist maintain a healthy body, it is not a guarantee that a person will not become ill. For maximum health, it is essential to maintain a balanced diet and an overall healthy lifestyle.



What are some practices/habits you do to make sure you're healthy? (State and give the importance in your own words)
  • Eat healthy foods
  • Exercise regularly
  • Drink enough water
  • Adequate rest
  • Avoid smoking and alcoholic beverages
  • Carry out regular health checks
How did you discover these activities? Did you discover the activities/habits by yourself or someone told recommended them to you?

I got this habit from a friend who worked in a hospital for 10 years. He said and recommended me to live a healthy life.


What are the health benefits of the habit(s)?
  • Eat foods that contain the right nutrients such as protein, healthy fats, fiber, vitamins and minerals that can help keep you healthy.
  • Exercise can help maintain heart health, strengthen muscles and bones, and improve mood and energy You.
  • Our bodies are composed of about 60% water, so it is important to ensure that the body is well hydrated.
  • Adequate and quality sleep is very important for maintaining physical and mental health.
  • Smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages can increase the risk of various diseases, including heart disease and cancer.
  • Carry out health checks routinely can help detect diseases or health conditions early so that they can be treated quickly and effectively.
Do you think everyone could engage in these habits? Explain?

In general, the healthy habits that have been mentioned can be done by everyone, regardless of age or physical condition. However, sometimes there are certain medical conditions or special situations that can limit a person's ability to engage in certain habits.
Before starting a new healthy habit, it is very important to consult with your doctor or healthcare professional to see if the habit is safe for you and your health condition. For example, someone with certain health problems such as heart or lung problems may need specific recommendations from a doctor about the type and intensity of exercise that is safe to do.

What health tips would you give steemians?
  • Do regular physical activity, at least 30 minutes every day.
  • Consume healthy foods that are rich in nutrients such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts, and lean protein such as fish and chicken.
  • Get enough sleep every night, at least 7 -8 hours.
  • Drink enough water every day, at least 8 glasses or about 2 liters.
  • Avoid bad habits such as smoking, drinking excessive alcohol, or taking drugs.
  • Take regular health tests, such as cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar checks.
  • Take care of yourself and the environment around you.

In this contest I invite @newby,@bintangsatu and @ikwal to take part in this interesting contest.That's all I can say about the contest this time, I hope it's useful. Thank you

 2 years ago 


Tienes mucha razón, comer manzanas no garantiza que habrá buena salud, si embargo mantener una dieta balanceada si traerá mejoras a nuestra vida .

Además ricas un punto importante, el chequeó regular es importante, ya que muchas veces las enfermedades son silenciosas y se presentan sin que nos demos cuenta.

Muy buenas recomendaciones, la verdad que el descanso es fundamental, y mantener Hidratado también, son prácticas que realizo a diario y me han mejorado muchísimo la salud.

Buena suerte, tienes una gran entrada.

 2 years ago 

Thank you

 2 years ago 

I really like reading your posts. There are several things that you convey that can be useful for us, hopefully we can apply them in this life

 2 years ago 

Thank you very much

Yes your right before starting any healthy lifestyle or any type must consult professional doctor when I started on healthy lifestyle I also talk to my nutritionist and then I started implement that food in my particular lifestyle.

Apple is big source of fiber and contain no fat no cholesterol and have rich source of zinc and vitamin c which is also good for glowing skin as well.

Best of luck for your participation

 2 years ago 

Thank You!
good luck

 2 years ago 

The habits you listed here are actually the correct ones. I think if you live by following those habits, you can avoid periodical health checks, which sometimes are unnecessary. I also mentioned drinking water in my post, buddy. That's one of the most important and one of the simplest healthy things we can do. Great post!

 2 years ago 

Thank you

You have written well my friend, fruits and vegetables are indeed good for the body. I learnt from your blog too that regular exercise and proper dieting aids in keeping a healthy body. Apples too fight cancer and other diseases too. Indeed the importance of regular check up can never be over emphasised too. I do hope to add new things I learnt today to my health habits too. Success in the challenge #steem-on

 2 years ago 

Thank you for your support

The good advise you have given in your post us about avoid

  • Smoking

  • Alcohol

  • Cigarettes

  • These are very bad habit it should be avoided with balanced diet

  • Many diseases associated with cigarettes smoking 🚭🚭

  • And you have mentioned very good point about Apple

  • Apple has good nutrients

Wishing you luck for your contest

 2 years ago 

Thank you very much

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