The Dairy Game-26-01-2021steemCreated with Sketch.

in Steem Cameroon3 years ago

My lovely and adorable steemians.. today is yet another new dawn.. how is everyone doing. I hope we are all good as for me,let's all find out how my day today turned out to be like...
So I got up today at about 5:30 with a phone call from my old friend through my cell phone. It's due to the loud ring tone of my phone that I got up ..other than that,I would have still be sleeping.. so we talked on phone for a while even with the sleep still threatening me hahaha...
After we finished talking,it was still dark here ..and it was about 5:40 already. So I was feeling reluctant to go take my bath I then put some rice on fire to boil so that i could eat with the tommatoe source that i prepared yesterday. I fell again on bed but this time it wasn't to sleep but just to lay down.. at about 4:50 i reluctantly got up and went straight to the bath room and got my self cleaned up.. when I came back and dressed up,I checked my pot and the rice was almost ready by now it was 6:21 already ...
I quickly dressed up and said a prayer to God.. shortly I brought down the rice from the gas and put now the tommatoe source to get some warmth or be heated..

Added a bit of water since it was still really think... since there wasn't no time I started dishing my rice in anticipation to the source on fire.


I made sure I built a plate of rice that would look like mount Everest since I would be in school till 4;30.. and now after the source was well heated I then dished it ontop of the rice since that's how I always like it

Then I hurriedly ate the food and went ahead to lock my door and get to school for it was 6;40.
I trekked on foot from my house to school and arrived about 7:04am and luckily for me, the teacher wasn't around yet so I went ahead and started reading some few notes ...

And oops!
Just after 3 miniuts in class the lecturer just came for us to have our logistic class. Today I enjoyed the lectures but I still wanted to come home because I got a new piano and couldn't wait to play it. So I tried to understand every lecture that the lecturer was teaching and atleast I grab something small to an extent. Through out the class the ,,piano was just on my mind and waiting for me to come home..

And finally it was 11:27 and the rest of the day belonged to me. So now I was set for home . while coming on the way , I was feeling really tasty and as we all know Douala is a really hot place. So I got a sachette of cold water and drank to my satisfaction since i was really tasty

After that I trekked home and I was there finally. When I got home I was really hungry so I first of all watched the pot and plates before I could start heating the rice that I made in the morning ... but now I was feeling really really tired and sleepy.
So I decided to take my bath before I rest


So i then cleaned my self and felt atleast better from the tiredness .
I wanted to get some rest.atleast now I was happy because I could see my piano and I could play it at anytime .so then I layed down on bed and was resting for over 2 hours atleast.. while doing that I had a sweetdream where I had wings and I could fly too.. I thought it was all real In that dream..i also saw my self playing piano through out the dream and I was sitting on a very big stage with artist from all over the world just to listen to me play ... i wished that that dream was real .. when I got up from my sleep, immediately I had to take a pic of the small keyboard that I have so as to remind me that I can a be such a star.


And I after that i played my piano through out the evening.thats how my day ended you know. I believe that I had a great day and a memorable one you know .especially when it comes to the dream that I sounded so real and sweet. If dreams where to be real some would be worth it.
I thank
For all thier support


when i got home i was really hungry so i first of all watched the pot and plates before i could start heating the rice that i made in the morning ...

 3 years ago 

Hahahaha.. my friend is that you waiting for food?

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 3 years ago 

Wow ..
Thank you very much @steemcurator04.i appreciate the fact that my account has been curated by @yohan2on.. its really an encouragement. I will make sure that i share about #steem to all my social media platforms and also join as much communities as i can join so that i can participate in various contest

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