Steemit Engagement Challenge S8-W2 | Gender Visibility And Equality

in Steem Cameroonlast year

Greetings to all the lovely people, welcome to my blog. How's everything going on, hope you're doing well. I'm glad to meet you again with this weeks interesting theme which is
Gender Visibility And Equality.



How can you help your community forge a gender-equal world?

There are many ways in which I can help our community forge a gender-equal world.

I'll read up on issues related to gender equality and educate myself on the provocation faced by different genders. I'll share my knowledge with others in our community and hearten them to do the same.

If I belong to a affluent gender, I'll use my stance to be an ally for those who are depreciate. Speak out against prejudice and be a supportive voice for those who are diminished.

I'll get involved in our community's political processes and commend for policies that promote gender equality, such as equal pay, maternity leave, and affordable childcare.

I'll peruse and support businesses that have policies in place to assist gender equality, such as equal pay and opportunities for career advancement.

I keep an eye out for opportunities to donate my time and money to organisations that support gender equality, such women's shelters or groups that encourage girls' education.

I'll use inclusive language and behaviour throughout. Regardless of gender identification, I'll make sure everyone is treated with respect and hospitality.

I'll organize a meeting or event in our neighbourhood to raise awareness of gender equality and encourage dialogue. Invite people to discuss their opinions and suggestions for ways to advance gender equality in our neighbourhood.



Can celebrating Women's International day increase visibility and equality?

Indeed, observing Women's International Day is a fantastic approach to raise awareness of the issue and advance gender equality. It's a day to acknowledge and celebrate the accomplishments of women in copious fields, as well as raise awareness about the confront they still face in executing gender equality.

By celebrating this day, we can shine a spotlight on the accomplishments of women and encourage more portrayal of women in different spheres of life. We can collocate events, discussions, and social media campaigns that highlight the manoeuvre of women and bring attention to the issues they still face.

Celebrating Women's International Day can also help to inspire and empower women and girls to hunt their goals and inclination. It can give them the credence to aim higher and strive for their dreams.

Most importantly, celebrating this day can create a powerful ripple effect that incentivize individuals and organizations to take action towards superscribe gender-based discrimination and promoting women's rights. It can help us move closer on the way to achieving true gender equality and building a more inclusive society for all.



Are the Feminism fight and the Women’s Rights fight the same?

Feminism and the fight for women's rights are often used conversely, but they are not exactly the same thing. Feminism is a movement that proponent for gender equality and challenges social norms and systems that accord to gender-based discrimination and inequality. It's a spacious concept that convey a range of issues beyond women's rights, but it places a peculiar ictus on women's experiences.

Contrary to, the fight for women's rights is a certain facet of the larger feminist movement that aims to secure legal and social rights for women. This append rights like the right to vote, access to education and healthcare, equal pay, and protection against discrimination and violence. Beguile it is a crucial module of the broader feminist movement, it is just one aspect of the fight for gender equality.



What do you say about women in top positions like Presidents, Parliamentarians, Senators, CEOs (Chief Executive Officers), and COO (Chief Operations Officers)? Give possible examples in your country(community)

It's phenomenal to see women smashing through the glass ceiling and taking up top positions in copious fields like politics, business, and government. In India, we have seen some astonishing women leaders who have shown their fortitude and made a notable influence in their respective domains.

Pratibha Patil, for instance, was India's first female President, also the Governor of Rajasthan and the Speaker of the Lok Sabha. These are not insignificant manoeuvres, and she has truly been a trailblazer for women in Indian politics.

In neoteric years, we've seen women like Sushma Swaraj, Nirmala Sitharaman, Smriti Irani, and Harsimrat Kaur Badal make a name for themselves in politics, clench important ministerial positions in the Indian government. These women have haul fresh persuasion and ideas to the table and have contributed remarkably to the development of the country.

Women executives like Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw and Arundhati Bhattacharya have accorded significantly to the development of the Indian corporate tableau. One of the major banks in India, State Bank of India, had Arundhati Bhattacharya as its chairman, and the biopharmaceutical company Biocon was founded by Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw.

In general, it's a good drift to see more women in positions of leadership, and it's marvellous to see that their whacks are valued. Future generations of female leaders can learn from these women's example and be persuaded to aim high and succeed.



What makes a Good Leader (Gender or merit)

A good leader is someone who possesses specific traits and abilities that enable them to motivate and direct followers towards accomplishing shared objectives. It shouldn't matter a person's gender if they make effective leaders or not. Men and women can both be equally effective leaders; leadership is not only the domain of one particular gender.

What frankly matters is merit, specially the qualifications, experience, and abilities that a person possesses. A good leader must have the following traits:

  • Ingenious: A good leader must have a crystalline vision of what they want to acquire and be able to persuasive that vision to their team.

  • Communication: Communication is key to efficacious leadership. A good leader must be able to communicate convincingly with their team and stakeholders.

  • Rectitude: A good leader must be genuine, transparent, and ethical in their dealings with others.

  • Empathy: A good leader must be adroit to understand and commune with the needs and perturb of their team members.

  • Decisiveness: A good leader must be able to make resilient decisions and take liability for them.

  • Flexibility: A good leader must be able to amend to changing occurrences and be malleable in their approach.

  • Humility: A good leader must be obsequious and open to critique and aspersions.

Nevertheless, a person's gender shouldn't be used to judge whether or not they will make a successful leader. A good leader is explicated by their merits as well as the traits and abilities that enable them to motivate and direct people towards reaching shared objectives.


I invite @piya3 , @mahir4221 & @sampabiswas to participate in this contest.


 last year 

Estimado amigo. Ciertamente es necesario tener la actitud de solidaridad para con ese género que se encuentra menospreciado en la sociedad. Es una manera que hacer individualmente un gran aporte para la incluso y el respeto de los demás. Éxitos para ti.

Thanks for your feedback
God bless


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