Steem Cameroon Best day Contest - 19/06/2021

in Steem Cameroon3 years ago


My fellow steemians,
It is with joy in my heart that I write on this great occasion, today I want to share with you all my best day. Before I proceed with the story on my best day of the week, I will like to acknowledge the organisers of this amazing contest that is the @steem-cameroon community, you guys have really been living up to expectations. I must say the community has always looked for one way or the other to keep it's members busy almost everytime and we are so glad for that effort.

My Best Day (11/06/2021)

The journey of this my best day started as far back as 2016. I got admission into the federal university wukari in the year 2016. Since then I have been reading and also studying hard to meet up with the standard of the school. Now 11th of June is the day I wrote my final exams in federal university wukari tarana state. Before this faithful day, the exams was slated to hold on the 12th day of June 2021 but due to the democracy day celebration in my country here in Nigeria it was shifted backward.


The final exams on that day started at exactly 3:00pm. The exams was suppose to last for about 2 hours, but because of how prepared we were for the said exams, we were able to finish in 1hour 30 minutes. Before this time, a lot of crowed has gathered outside our classroom waiting to sign us out. It was really an experience, we all waited for each other and when we were done we all submitted at once and then went out together. People are already standing and jublating with us for the success we have achieved.



After the jublations outside the classroom and the pictures we now went out to the place we organise a DJ to play music for us. The entire school came out on that day and jublated with us. I was so happy because I am tired of morning lectures, assignment, quiz and many more. 11th of June is a day I can never forget in a hurry it is really an experience and I am so happy I had such an experience.

After the whole incident on that very evening, during the night time we all went for a dinner night celebration. This dinner night was organised by the department for all graduating student and a whole lot of food and drinks was served to us. More also at the dinner night we had some inspirational speech from some of our able lectures and the encouraged us to continue the good work and then work harder.

At the end of the celebrations awards were distributed to some of the outstanding students in the class that includes me. I was so happy to be honoured in that way. My head of department (HOD) gave his words to about 3 of us that if we ever wish to become lecturers we should not hesitate to tell him. So I have free ticket to become a lecturer now. Am so happy!!!


Finally, it was not by my power not by my might but the grace of God was sufficient for me. I want to also appreciate @steem-cameroon for such a wonderful privilege to share with all about my best day. I do hope you enjoy reading my story.

Thanks for reading...

 3 years ago 

Wooow quit an interesting day indeed bro .I'm happy you guys prepared for ur exams extremely well as you'll wrote and started celebrating with faith though it's not yet out ..all I wish for you guys is for a success now as you all awaits your results

Thanks so much

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