in Steem Cameroon3 years ago

Good day my steemit friends! Am glad to be part of this wonderful contest of the best day. I sincerely thanked the organizers for this wonderful initiative where one is given the opportunity to express his or herself on their best day was spent. Days are never the same. Each day comes with its own challanges and achievements.


Saturday the 7th of August 2021. was the best of all my 7days of the week. the others were good though. I got up from bed that day so excited with the bright day as I prepared and left the house for work. I got a 🚖 and the traffic in nkwen Bamenda almost spoiled my start of day. I was caught up in traffic 🚥 around the police check point at mile 3.nkwen around Quinness. The taxi driver was having his car documents and and since he didn't over load his taxi, he refused to settle the control point. I over head some of the policemen asking the driver if they were there to collect car documents.

It took us some time there and when some passengers were about to leave the taxi 🚕, the driver's documents were given. To my greatest surprise the policemen threatened the driver that they are waiting on the day that he will faulter. You can imagine that ladies and gentlemen.

As that was not enough as far as traffic was concerned, the driver reached mile 2 nkwen instead of driving through Ndamukong Street , k-town stretch of road, he drove through nkwen market and instead of branching towards cow street, Nkwen Bamenda, he goes him straight towards mobile nkwen. Hahahaha! I was about to complain but yet it's not the driver's fault. His passengers are the ones directing him with their own destinations.
I still reached my job side on time thanks to my early take off from home. I used to have Internet issues but on this faithful day, Internet issues were better as I could work properly.

I attended to some customers and by 2.30pm, I prepared to join my colleagues for a baby shower, born house of my colleague. I reached there on time and assist him arrange where the others will come and seat. The ocasion started at exactly 3 pm. we celebrated and handed over the baby's gift.
A time came for refreshment and I took my own share of food and a drink. Thank God my own choice of food was there. Achuh! I love this particular delicacy.


By 5pm, I left for the house so that what happened in the morning when I was coming shouldn't repeat itself. I mean traffic jam. I reached home since I have already eaten, I took my bath rested for a while and went to bed.

Thanks for reading and see you next week.


This post has been rewarded by @saxopedia from @steemcurator04 Account with support from the Steem Community Curation Project."

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