in Steem Cameroon3 years ago

Goodday everyone in the steem family. Am new in this family and wish to take part in the steem Camerron best day of the week contest 27/05/2021. So pardon me if my start is not the best. But remember that at the end of every tunnel, there is light. With the coaching I received from seniors in the house like @tjean,@muluhpenn and many others. I thought it wise to give a try since we learn by attempting.


This day I called my best day did not just start well. It was traumatizing and stressful but I was victorious at the end of the day as will be seen in the paragraphs below.

On this faithful day, Sunday 23/05/2021, I got a call from my paternal uncle with whom I have spent most of my school days with that I should come to his house for an urgent matter the concerns me. I left the house very early without attaining church service. This uncle of mine owns a house at Ndamukong Street, Nkwen in Bamenda, North West region of Cameroon where he stays with his wife only. He is of age and the few children of his who are yet to marry are out of Bamenda for studies and unfortunately for them, their house help equally got married in December 2020. Permit me spare you these introduction and dive straight to the point ladies and gentlemen.

After receiving the call I immediately left Ntarinkon in Mankon Bamenda where I was renting. I seized my independence from this uncle of mine immediately I graduated from the university so that I can think on my own on how to develop myself given our concentrated job market. I reached my uncles house and made him in his bed room searching everywhere. When I greeted he did not respond and rather gave me a seat. From his face I knew all was not well.

My uncle said he cannot find his money which he kept under the mattress on his bed. He asked if I had collected it because I was the only one that entered and clean his bed room the previous day which was Saturday 22/05/2021. He said his grandchildren entered his room on this Saturday but did not touch his bed except me and that money was given to him by my aunt, his junior sister. So he is certain am the one who took the money and the money was meant to by my aunt a plot of land. If I tell you that I was confused and speechless, that will be an understatement. My uncles wife joined us in the room and pleaded for the husband to do a recount of the money and that I used to sell with her in the shop for years and records were clean and clear even after trapping me with money issues. My uncle said he has been counting it over and over the whole night.

Since I knew I did not see the money not to talk of touching it, I suspected his grandchildren but had no proof. I said a prayer within me for God to help me since its only me and Him who knows my innocence. An idea comes into my mind and I told my uncle that I will need to travel to the village to meet his sister for a talk. I did some momo transactions and was able to raise my transport. Immediately I left for the village since there was no connection in the village that one could place a call to her.

I arrived the village and luckily for me, my aunt has not gone for her quarter meeting yet. I narrated all that had transpired and how I went to help my uncle clean his house and other things and the following day I was forcefully accused. My steemit friends, my aunt actually gave the brother 1.5million fcfa and my uncle thought it was 2million fcfa.

If I could not proof my innocence I would have paid 500.000fcfa to my uncle. Money I knew nothing about and at the end of the day I was the happiest person and thus my best day. As I said earlier, there is always light at the end of each tunnel. Thanks for reading. Sorry the experience did not allow me to snap some pictures. I promise to do just that next time we meet. Stay blessed and I hope you have picked something from my story especially to always verify before judge people.

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