Good day ladies and gentlemen! How are we doing this weekend? Am sure we are strong by his Grace. Welcome to this my new edition of thediarygame.
Am going to be writing on how we can grow and care for our vegetables. Am going to be based on hukubery (njamajama )
First and foremost, you have to get the seeds and nurse with the help of organic manure. After a few days say 5 days, they will germinate. When the vegetable is 2 weeks old, spray it with insecticide as soon as you discovered the leaves are becoming brown.
The rate at which it's raining these days most vegetables are affected by 'blight' and if care is not taken it came destroy the vegetable.
I would advise that this should be sprayed within an interval of one week. When the vegetable has regained it's texture and strength, you can apply more organic manure and wait for it to mature.
I would advise that you use only organic manue because the vegetable will be healthy for consumption.
Since it was sprayed using chemicals, allow it for at least 3 weeks for the chemicals to get expired provided there's rainfall. if the rains have reduced, I will advise that you do some irrigation to wash away the chemicals.
After harvesting for consumption, properly wash it with clean water before boiling.
When you cultivate your own vegetables, you will always wait for it to mature before you consume and above all, you will make sure the chemicals are properly used and equally wait for it to expire on vegetables.
People who grow vegetables for commercial reasons don't observe the above precusions and that's why some consumers complained of stomach disturbance after consuming.
Thanks for reading through and bye.