in Steem Cameroon3 years ago

Good morning everyone! I am so excited to be part of this contest of the greandeeds titled : HOW CLIMATE CHANGE HAS AFFECTED ME AND MY COMMUNITY.

In the past I used to hear or see floads and landslides when watching foreign or western news in CNN or BBC. Today, it has become a common phenomenon in my community. Am in Bamenda and hails from Santa subdivision where landslide is very common. This is due to the hilly nature of the area and the wrong practice of agricultural.


The indiscriminate felling of trees in this community has exposed the soil to great danger. Landslides and erosion are very rampant for the past years. Though we haven't recorded and life lost but there's a lot of material damage. And if care is not taken especially replanting of trees, the future would not be a better place to live.

Here in Bamenda, floading is very common. last week there was a traffic jam around the mile 3.nkwen bridge around Quinness. Cars could not cross the bridge after a serious down pour.
It took those of us who were trekking 30mins from we could cross.

Last year in January I almost caught fever because temperatures were at it's peak. I never used to experience this. This is due to increase in population and consequently a change of climate.
My family planted maize around March 15th 2021 but rain failed us for two weeks. These are things amongst many others that were rare to find in our communities but are very common now.

Industrialization and increase in population size has contributed a lot when it comes to climate change. If we don't watch our activities in our various communities and take precautions like @thegreens and his team are doing. The planet in future would not be a better place to live.
I take this opportunity again to appreciate @thegreens for a wonderful job done. Only God can best appreciate such gestures sir.

Thanks for reading and bye.

 3 years ago 

This issue of flood has become rampant, the constant deforestation without replacing them is one of the main point of this climate change. Great write up

 3 years ago 

Thanks for the encouragement. Everyone has gone to the farm and our forests is in danger

 3 years ago 

You are indeed correct about the importance of green deeds in our communities I pray God help us from natural disasters like landslide among others

 3 years ago 

God will always hear our cry bro. Thanks for passing by and have a blessed time

 3 years ago 

The effects of Climate change are just too many and I spent two hours in the traffic the day the stream at Mile 4 flooded. That was a total waste of time and petrol and it was very aching.

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