#Pros and Cons of Heavy Squats. The Diary Game 09/07/2022

in Steem Cameroon2 years ago

Hello everyone.

I wokeup early to my alarm. Thanked God for the day of yesterday, today and the next.
I got outta bed, Brushed , took a cold bath got dressed and left for the gym.

Saturdays are for heavy squats, we always start light and go heavy fast so we dont burn out.

We did the warmup stretch the hamstrings waist and also warmup the knees.


Heavy squats like everything else has its advantages as well as disadvantages

  1. Advantages of heavy squats;
  • heavy squats builds big and strong muscles fast also depending on the amount of reps you put in.. Tbh its heavy there isnt that much reps you can do.

  • it increases your core strength

  • doesnt only work your legs but your abs and back as well

  • strengtens and increases the flexibility of your knees and hips

  • keeping a straight back and proper form during squats can change your posture.. Lol in a good way.

  1. The Disadvantages of heavy squats.
  • without proper form can lead to severe back injury, you'll need months or maybe years to recover depending on the severity of the injury

  • proper for indeed matter without proper leg placement your knees are gone for. Which means you have to build your way up to heavy squats its not something you jump into on the first day.

  • if the weight is too heavy can put too much stress on your shoulders ..

  • sometimes when you go down you dont or cant come up.. You'll always need a spotter especially when you arent confident about the weight.

My advice to anyone who is new ro heavy squats or just squats its essential to get the basics thats proper form, it might very well safe your life💪

After the warm up we went straight to it..
3 sets of 20 empty barbell.
Then we slowly progress 22kg.. To 30kg.. 40kg..

From 62kg upward we did 2 sets..
From 100kg we did 1 set per rep.

We ended at 140kg thats the heaviest any of us could squat. Ofcourse that was me😌.

Link of the video on My instagram

After we stretched properly to avoid any back pain or muscle cramps.

At home i took my bath, ate

Ate some more.

My sisters brought me food.

And left for work got to work and time seem to fly and before i realised we had closed. Business has been slow lately.

Got home, freshened up and went to bed.



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