Green Deeds: I Pledge to excercise daily, plant and nurse more trees in August 2021

in Steem Cameroon3 years ago (edited)

It's first important to understand the fundamentals of "green Deeds". It's obvious Green deeds was brought to you on steem by @thegreens and his work inspires me in several ways.


Definition of green Deeds

Green good deeds and green Deeds have the same initiative, green good deeds was brought to you by


After understanding the above.. what are those things we consider green deeds





My first green deed is excercising regularly, every morning lol except when the spirit doesn't lead me.
What excercises are considered green excercises?


I run 10km every Saturday and 1km every morning that's if from mile 4 to foncha junction is 1km


The 10km is round upstation done every Saturday's



My second green deed is planting and nursing trees at the nursery at Mile 6

We have a variety of plants and trees some graphted and some etc






And other small green deeds like turning the shower off while scrubbing your body as you bath... Turning the sink water off while you brush your teeth or wash your face.

With nature a small change can make a big difference.

Thanks for the contest I wish is for you to have learned something new after you finish reading my post.


 3 years ago (edited)

Thank you for the background on Green Deeds. I have learned something new today. Together, let's go green.

 3 years ago 

😌you are most welcome.

 3 years ago 

Amazing post but you didn't follow all contest guidelines of commenting with a link of your post to the Contest post.
The background information was was too much and a link would have been sufficient.

Your post has been curated by @thegreens with the Steem Cameroon Community Account. Keep dropping creative content to get beautiful rewards from the Steem Cameroon Community and feel free to contact @thegreens for all your steem questions and challenges.
Remember to participate in any of the following contests or programs organized for Cameroonian Steemians;

  1. The Power Up Challenge
  2. Creative Writing Contest
  3. [Green Deeds Contest](To be launched)
  4. Best Day of the Week Contest
  5. Steemit Achievement Pledge Program
  6. Steem Cameroon Delegations Reward Program


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