The Diary game 23/10/2021

in Steem Cameroon3 years ago

Hello beautiful people of steemit platform,am delighted to write to you my diary game of today how the day started and how it unfold.

I wake up very early in the morning it was about 5,:30 am I was already tier to the extern that I could miss my morning devotion of which I was the one to meditate today I thank God that finally the sprit of God help me to fight such Sprite. My meditation was taken from the book of John 1:1 which read as ,in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and God was the word ,from the above mentioned text I understand that in everything we do in this life let the word of God be the one to led us because the Sprite is always there for us .my second reading was taken from the same John 4:24 which state that " a true worshiper shall worship him in Sprite and in truth " this mean you have to worship God both in the Sprite meaning were there is filtynes the holy Spirit will be grive from you meaning it will depart from you ,after that we pray for close to an hour ,it was already 7:00 am at that moment ,I brush my mouth and do some little house chores, I had to feed my pig at the pig pent they were already hungry

Afternoon season :
During the day I had nothing to do I was bored back home since I don't always like to be idle I decided to


visit my friend at his poutry farm ,I assisted him to do some work there ,I asked him on how to keep those birds I was so interested in it he explained to me how to grow those birds ,he also share with me the best season to keep this birds and how lucrative the business is . finally my day ended well because I learn alot from this man that I can't share it here all
thanks for reading

 3 years ago 

Learning never ends. It always pays to learn new things and again knowledge is never wasted.

 3 years ago 

What a great experience. Hope he gave you one to cook because I like chicken

 3 years ago 

God first stay strong spiritually to fight trails like dose ones will always come

Best days never end sir. Very inspiring to have learned alot on poultry farming . Can't wait to visit your own farm with birds

 3 years ago 

Great day bro. Always great starting each day with God. Even when it get boring you know God is involved 👏

 3 years ago 

Great day you had bro.
Keepup the hard work for it shall yield it's fruits soon.
Time it's a vector!

 3 years ago 

Nice one there. I like that you didn't let your tiredness affect spirit matters. Also you gained some knowledge in farming that's a good note to end a day

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