My town in 10 pictures

in Steem Cameroon2 years ago

Hello beautiful people of steemit platform I bring to you my town in 10 pictures the following are the pictures drawn from the town of bamenda how beautiful our town is , which happens to be the center of North West region having 7 division in number embodiment of sub division with varieties of tribes that each is having it own peculiarity with various tradition that the people are subject to it ,

I for one I am the son of the soil were come from the great balikumbat vilage which best meal is fufu and vegetables, Tim tim any body from this place will understand what I mean the following are the pictures of this great town


The above picture is the bamenda 1 council this council happen to located at up station that at mendankwe this council happen to be the most comfortable and conducive environment with very good mordern structure

Trinity bilingual nursery and primary school located 100 metter away from bamenda 1 council it is a new construction which it ready for the coming academic year 2022 and 2023 if you have not registered your pupils yet rush to this institution for spaces are limited it has good security with qualify teachers


Blue pea hotel mile three also known as manjong night club this happened to be the latest hight clube that have hundreds of hotel for lunch and restaurant and halls for any ceremony that can take place there at any point in time.

The university of bamenda this happened to be the yungest University in Cameroon which is describe as university of the future this institution has various school attached to you ,such as faculties of law ,economies,history, geography just to name a few

This is blessed clinic still located at up station bamenda it happens to be having the oldest building with well structure

Community agriculture and environmental development organisation (caepa) located at mile five adgecent tower hotel

St John's primary nursery and primary school located at foncha street Bamenda

Green revolution located at mile three


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