Your smallest effort matters

in Steem Cameroon2 months ago

Dear Steemians,

I want to share with you the power of combined effort and consistency in changing our communities.

Firstly, do you know how termite mounds come about? Hundreds of termites individually gather bits of soil, mix them with their saliva, and skillfully place them to design a strong honeycomb-like structure.

Termites Mounds

These mounds become so strong that we can't break them with our bare hands when they're dry. This is a great example of how individual efforts can bring about significant societal change.

The Change from Our Office

Our office is by the roadside. It’s been quite a long time since this road was paved, and since then, there hasn't been any form of maintenance.



The gutters have become blocked with soil, resulting in poor drainage. Unfortunately for us, there is a hairdressing salon beside us, and all the used water from the salon runs down to the entrance of our office but can't flow away because the gutters are clogged. Additionally, there's always a lot of mud at the entrance when it rains.

Don’t Wait for Anyone to Initiate the Change

We're talking about a city with city mayors and local councils whose duties include addressing such issues. However, because we believe that change is a combined effort and not just the responsibility of one person or the government, we took action.

Image Source

Our leaders fixed a date, and we conducted a general cleanup, removing the soil from the gutters and restoring the drainage system. We didn’t sit around and complain about a failed government or its leaders; we took action immediately.

Do Not Impose

How I wish others could adopt this attitude. No matter how much we wish all the soil could be removed from the gutters to improve the drainage system, we can't do it for the entire town. What do you think would happen if everyone close to a gutter decided to remove the soil from the part nearest to their shop or office?

Edited on Canva

Not everyone cares about a developed community, and not everyone believes that change comes through collective effort. If you are among such people, learn to do your part and leave the rest. Remember, you can't do everything, and you shouldn't force others to do their part either. When you know you've done your part, let the rest be. In time, you will be celebrated, because eventually, society will recognize those who did the right thing.

I’ll close here for today. Remember to highlight your takeaway message. Bye-bye.

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