in Steem Cameroon3 years ago (edited)


So then earlier last month; precisely 22 days ago an announcement was made by @yeesja in this post Here who had volunteered to organize a Steemit Sensitization Seminar to be hosted in Bamenda, North West Region of Cameroon. This sensitization seminar is part of the activities of the Cameroon steemit sensitization campaign and the Cameroon structuring project where we intend to bring on board 1.5 million Cameroonians with a sustainable support system which off course we are already working on and to be spread out in the different regions of the country.

WhatsApp Image 2021-04-30 at 16.00.44.jpeg

Dear Dairy

To day 30th April 2021 was the day scheduled for the Steemit Sensitization Campaign Seminar. For the past few days i have worked closely with @yeesja who is the organizing lead for the seminar, i helped him out ensuring everything needed was acquired. Having in mind I was going to make a presentation, i woke up pretty early made my devotion, next i went out the room took care of some stuffs around and later had my bath at about 7:30am, took breakfast and took off for the seminar venue

My Day at the Seminar

Being the first presenter for the day, i immediately took the podium as soon as the MC for the day @tenguhatanga gave me the floor after the opening prayer and some welcome talk through which everyone present introduced themselves. With my time running already i went straight to the business of the day. General Steemit Awareness was my topic. During my time we discussed and elaborated on the following.

  • What is

  • How does steemit work?

  • How does Steemit differ from other social media websites?

  • How do i keep my steemit account safe?

  • Can i earn digital tokens on steemit? How?

  • Where do the tokens come from?

  • Where does the value come from?

  • Why are people getting vastly different rewards on steemit?

  • Questions and Answers

Here is my humble advise to us all today on steemit in the words of the #steemitblog

"Steemit is not a "get rich quick" scheme. While it is possible to post content that goes viral quickly and earn a lot of rewards on a single post, this is not typical for most users.
Most of the authors that you see earning high rewards are users that have spent a lot of time in the network building followings, making connections with others, and developing a reputation for bringing high quality content.
It is best to have realistic expectations, without focusing on rewards when you are first starting out. Work on building a following, making connections, and developing a good reputation. Consistency will pay off in the long run"

Next we had a presentation from @saxopedia whose topic was Accounts on steemit making a match the following discussion headings:

  • Steemit account set up

  • How to make a post on Steemit

  • How to powerup and down

  • Savings on steemit

  • Lastly how to manage withdrawal activities

  • Questions and Answers

WhatsApp Image 2021-05-01 at 20.30.41 (1).jpeg

Next we had our last presentation of the day by @thegreens who started with an ice breaker The kings Game. After the ice breaker he went straight to business thrilling the audience with the steemit good news talks instilling a spirit of hard and commitment on the steemians and the would be steemians present. He spoke on the topics bellow:

  • Zero power-down,

  • The value to save SBD,

  • How to create quality content, post and earn on Steemit,

  • How to become a successful Steemian,

  • The Steem-Cameroon Structuring Plan project at hand and the numerous contests and power up activities in the days ahead.

  • Questions and answers

After the enriching presentations from each presenter, we all went out for a family photo as seen on my thumbnail photo above. Next we all departed to our various homes, a day well spent with steemit lovers and friends. Steemit is taking a positive turn in Cameroon i most say and we will continue to work hard. Thank you @yeesja for this wonderful opportunity, you are a great steemian already and to you @fombae who made everything technically possible for the seminar to be a success.

We were unable to sign up newbies after the presentations because we notice some malfunctioning of the number field on the sign up page. Maybe we call on the engineers to have it checked @steemcurator01




The cameroonians are really on a move @njiatanga ,this is indeed a great one with so massive goal and strategy,having such number of cameroonians as indicated above would require a team work and tireless effort i guess,

i hope to be invited to cameroon to come meet with our steemians .....smiles.....

We are always here to support ok...

 3 years ago 

Yes we are setting up a very strong team and making strategies too that enable us will recruit, retain and reward these steemians who will be coming on board.

i hope to be invited to Cameroon to come meet with our steemians .....smiles.....

We will always be ready to receive here in Cameroon. Thank you for passing by and i do appreciate your support.

Project Affable [An Engagement League to empower 2nd, 3rd Layer engagement] in Steem Blockchain is running now for the month of May'2021.

Using #affable tag in your comment will enable you as a willing participant. However, you should remain active throughout the month to comply with Active Participant Criteria. To know more about relevant tags, rules, active participants criteria, etc please CLICK HERE.

Project Affable [An Engagement League to empower 2nd, 3rd Layer engagement] in Steem Blockchain is running now for the month of May'2021.

Using #affable tag in your comment will enable you as a willing participant. However, you should remain active throughout the month to comply with Active Participant Criteria. To know more about relevant tags, rules, active participants criteria, etc please CLICK HERE.

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