Steemit Engagement Challenge S8-W4 | An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

in Steem Cameroon2 years ago (edited)



Hello friends,

Welcome to my blog. How have you been? Trust everything is moving on well?. We are already in a new week and gradually moving. This topic is a very vital topic and such everyone should learn health tips. I desire to learn more that's why I chose to participate in this contest.

Today, I will be sharing with you some health benefits that everyone needs to know. May be some persons knows it already, but for the benefit of those who don't know, please read through and learn more.

What do you understand by this statement?



"An apple a day, keeps the doctor away". This is a popular phrase that we hear often, but once this is said, what comes to your mind? Does it mean you should always eat apple to scare the doctor away?, or you should keep eating apples everyday so that the doctor doesn't see you? Well, the first time I heard this phrase, a lot ran through my mind and I was not sure of the meaning until I asked questions.

From my understanding about this phrase, "an apple a day keeps the doctor away simply means that one should stay healthy at all times so you don't make the hospital your second home. Eating healthy foods, drinking healthy water, taking care of your skin properly, your body in general needs to be taken care of too.

It's not just about eating good food, that matters. Once every month, take care of your hair, your nails, your skin, all these contribute to our taking an apple a day to keep the doctor away. To stay healthy means to keep your environment clean because charity they say, begins at home. So first thing first. You cannot have a dirty environment and tend to eat an apple a day to keep the doctor away,, no the doctor will keep coming. Infact you will make his office your home, or better still, your paradise. So do the needful and remain healthy.

What are some practices/habit you do to make sure you are healthy? (State and give the importance in your own words)


Water Therapy

To stay healthy, I have this water therapy I do early hours of the morning on daily basis. I take lukewarm water (it must be room temperature) everyday.


This therapy has been of a great importance to me because, it flushes my stomach and build in me a strong immune system. I don't have pot belly and my shape is still beautiful. That my skin looks this beautiful and healthy today is as a result of this water therapy. It also rehydrate me since all through the night, I take water just once. This is one of my apples I take a day.

Milk Therapy

To maintain a healthy living, I take a glass of milk every 2 days. It could be in the morning before meal or at night after meal, but I prefer taking it at night. After my meal at night, before bedtime, I take a glass of milk.


This therapy has maintained me a healthy weight. I am not too fat and am not too slim, I only maintain my weight. It keeps me strong, healthy and fresh. Milk therapy leaves my skin glowing at all time. I don't have rashes, pimples, skin irritation, my skin is always glowing because of this therapy. But remember that excessive intake of milk can cause unhealthy living.

Eating varieties of fruits

I love taking fruits everyday. It could be in the morning, afternoon or night, it doesn't matter the time. But I try as much as I can to maintain it. Just last night, I ate cucumber with groundnut.


This fruits nourishes my body and leaves my skin soft. It also aid in proper digestion of meals. Taking these fruits keeps my brain active always. I don't visit the hospital or see a doctor from year to year. I keep a healthy living.

How did you discover these activities? Did you discover these activities/habits by yourself or someone recommended them to you?

About the water therapy, my mom taught me how to go about it at early stage in life. I stayed with her while at teens age, so every morning, my mom wakes up as early as 5am to take water and at that time, she wakes me up too. She taught me the health importance of the activity. This is how I got to know about this habit and will still take it to my next generation.

Then for the other 2, (milk, and fruits) I discovered them myself. I was on the internet one day checking on ways to maintain a healthy living and also balance my weight. I read a lot of things, but these 2 got my interest and I decided to carry out the activities and luckily for me, I am enjoying it. This is just 5 months 1 started it.

What are the health benefits of the habit(s)?

Health benefit of water therapy

It keeps the body temperature in regulation.
It keeps your immune system running.
It prevents constipation.
It helps reduce dehydration
It also helps fight bacteria in the system.

Health benefit of milk therapy

It provides adequate and quality protein to the body.
It makes the bones and muscles very active.
It also guarantee stressfree day.
It helps to control your sugar level.
If you are diagnosed with ulcer, you need a glass of milk everyday.

Health benefit of fruits and veggies

It prevents cancer.
It reduces heart diseases.
It generates vitamins and minerals.
It contains fiber, which helps in the proper digestion of food.

Do you think everyone could engage in these habit(s)? Explain

Sure, everyone could engage, just as no one is limited to a healthy living. I mentioned earlier that to maintain a healthy living, one need to be environmentally clean. You cannot be carrying out these activities in a dirty environment and expect a healthy living. Living a healthy life saves hospital bills, I know you have heard "health is wealth".

These activities can develop a person mentally. Imagine taking a glass of milk today before going to work, it will make you think fast, act fast, deliver fast. Your whole activities for the rest of the day would be so easily done.

These habits can save lots of money. A lot of persons complain of headache, why not take a glass of water or milk and save yourself the stress of spending money on medications. Some person will keep complaining to their doctor about one particular pain in the chest and because the doctor enjoys your money, he will keep recommending medications. Y not take fruits and quit stressing yourself and your purse.

These therapies are very essential, try them today and save more.

What health tips would you give steemians?

To my fellow steemians, as I advice you, I also advice myself, and because I love you and wish for you to remain healthy,

You ought to eat more of fruits and vegetables. Drink water at interval, it helps keep you fit at all times, limit sugary intake,get enough sleep. Please do not skip breakfast and if you must skip breakfast, take a glass of milk and stay healthy.

All these health tips are just for our up keep and because we are all loved here, that was why this topic came up to help us maintain a healthy living always. Stay healthy and stay safe!

I invite @ruthjoe @estyfashion @mesola


Really nice apple is really good for health it contains vitamin c and zinc which is really good for skin hair and it also very good for teeth.

Apple also has good amount of fiber and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is really good..which also maintain good weight and also good skin and as well as fresh your skin

Best of luck for your participation

 2 years ago 

Muchísimas gracias por compartir con nosotros tu experiencias y perspectivas.

Tienes razón cuando dices que la buena alimentación y el estilo de vida saludable puede prevenir el cáncer y otras enfermedades como diabetes.

Me gustaron tus consejos para los Steemians 💚 hay que tomamos en cuenta por el bienestar de uno mismo.

Éxitos para ti 🙏🏻

Thank you so much!

 2 years ago 

Frankly speaking, i was not having a good understand of the phrase, but reading your article has taught me. It is true that when you are healthy, you will have no business with doctors.

Sure! And am glad you've got understanding reading my post.

Thank you!


Wow! What a great health tips. The one I am battling now is skipping of breakfast. I will take my breakfast right away as my stomach is already bitting.
You have made an excellent entry dear friend and I wish you success.

Thank you so much @udyliciouz for your beautiful comment.

Please do not skip breakfast at all. That is very important to health.

You've got good and healthy habits here.
I do take warm water, but I've not made it a habit, I will try to make it a habit.
I take milk once in a while, but from now henceforth I'll make it a habit.

I wish you well in your entry.

I must say I have learnt so much from you today too. It is really true that we drink water well as it keeps us healthy. I must also say the fruits and veggies fight diseases as you explained. I would love to live to a rope old age therefore I must adjust my healthy routine. Success in the challenge. #steem-on

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