"Along the way in Life”-Your Life Experiences| 13| 07| 2024

in Steem Cameroon8 hours ago
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"Along the way in life...."

It feels so horrible, cold, dirty, and evil, but at a time I noticed the heat, beauty, and joy, and I wondered what I was doing in this way of life. It was done to me that no one existed without going through this way of life.

My way in life has been all good and bad while growing up. I'd thought life was all about sleeping and waking up to a beautifully prepared meal, living all the luxuries of life. I'd thought this way of life was going to be all sweet, rosy, and fun until I began the journey of life properly.

This life journey was so cruel, evil, and bad when people I trusted betrayed me, when people I fed turned against me, and when people I loved hated me. I began to understand what this journey of life was all about.

I had a friend and a sister who were so dear to me in life. We started life together, we loved each other, we built so many things together, and we had great dreams to achieve. She was the best friend anyone could wish for. I trusted her with my life.

Until one day, she made away with all my sweat, all my efforts, and all my struggles—God knows where. I tried to reach this lady, but I couldn't. I didn't even know where to go to look for her. She broke me and left me hanging on the lonely road of life.

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Along the way in life, there was bitterness, anger, and hatred in me. I began to see life in another dimension. You know, life is just about experiences, and it is the only thing that determines how lovely or sad your life journey will be.

The more I tried to forget, the harder I became. It was not easy on me; I couldn't stand on my feet for a very long time. Oh, that was the height of betrayal for me. She was evil and wicked.

Along the way in life, it was love, peace, joy, and happiness that made me the person I am today. This way is the best way anyone could think of. It's the only way that makes life what we call successful!

Along the way, there were friends and family who were supportive. I would rather remain in this way of life until eternity. It was then obvious to me that along the way in life lie two different ways; we just have to know the right way to go.


You know, life is deeper than we thought. I would have gone as far as going to arrest any of her family members but no, I didn't because I wanted her to suffer it alone. I don't think anyone should suffer for anyone's evil.

I learned that I should not transfer aggression no matter what the matter may be. Even though I was hurt and bitter, I tried it to take it to the next person. No matter how hurt anyone feels, we should not extend it to others to have a taste.

No matter what we go through in life,never give up. Keep pushing until you get to your promises land.

My life experiences along the way in life!


I invite @nancy0 @eliany @aviral123

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