Short teaching story about a Man and his wife's by @ngamd

in Steem Cameroon2 years ago

Hello steemians good evening to you all hope you guys are waxing well always doing?

Today I will be sharing with you a teaching and funny story a grandma in our place share with me today during the day and here it goes.

Once upon a time,there was a man who grew up by struggling.the father always advice him to never give up in life no matter the situation he faces in life. this man struggled and finally succeeded in life and leaves the fathers house and started his own life.

This man build a house but one thing was lacking which was a woman to take care of this house, he wanted to get a wife but wanted the best woman who will love him even at his worst moment he remembered how the father used to tell him that to get a good wife, one had to either meet with the girl on her way back to the farm or see her immediately when she is getting up from bed.

So one day, this young man left his work and on his way,he met with a girl on her way back from the farm. This young man greeted this girl and offer to assist her by giving her a helping hand. So,he help this girl to her destination and asked for her number and departed.

Years passed by and he asked the girls hand in marriage when she accepted. her dowry was paid, white and traditional wedding was made and they went to their house and was living happily as this man has expected.

Six years later, this woman now had 3 children with young man, one of this mans dream was to have at least two wives so that they could satisfy him and also give him many children. so this man told the wife that he wanted to have another wife and the wife accepted and he went on for the search for the second wife.

unfortunately for him,he did not get this woman as he got the first one he got this one from an office not rather from the road to the farm same as the first wife,eveything concerning marriage was carried out.

Four years later,this second woman had two children as years go by the children grew to be independent,their father became old one day, the father felt sick and when he was rushed to the hospital, unfortunately he passed away.

After when the funeral was over, his family sat in order to decide on how the property will be shared. in normal circumstances the first woman was to be the one to inherite the highest property since she has invested more than the second woman but the second woman did not understand and wanted to claim over every thing.the first woman could not let that happen so they had a fight to an extent that the problem was taken to court. still yet this second woman could not respect the tradition and continued fighting over what was not hers the situation was more than the court to solve and the two families came back but was still unable to settle out the problem.

As days go by the children continued fighting to a level that one day upon fighting the first woman was mistakenly killed and the children swore to revenge by also killing the second woman and that was how the killing process continued until that family was banished from that area when almost all the members were death.

😂😂😂Eh schock you? Don't worry I will be bringing you guys more have a blessed day as we steem on steemians.

 2 years ago 

That story was intertaining in the beginning but was a pathetic one at the end.

 2 years ago 

Really dear

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