The Diary game 19/11/21

in Steem Cameroon3 years ago

Greetings everyone
Hope we all are faring well ,I’m about sharing with y’all how I spent my day of today. I woke up from bed at 5a.m ,picked up my phone and looked at the time ,when I saw that it was still 5a.m I laid in bed for a while and when it was 5:15a.m I got up and prayed.
I greeted my parents then went outside to do my chores ,I washed the dishes which were dirty then warmed left over Irish for breakfast ,since I don’t like left over Irish I just served my kid sisters food and went to take my bath.

My kid sisters food.

After taking my bath I went to my dad and collected transport fair cus I had to go to school ,my classes are effective and I can’t afford to miss any of them again. By 7a.m I was done with everything and set to live for school I boarded a taxi and reached school at 8:12a.m. I had a class at 8:30a.m so I took the remaining 18 minutes to rest and refresh my memory with the notes of last class.
My lecturer came into class at exactly 8:30a.m we had the first class for 2 hours and another class for 2 hours 30minutes then it was break. During break I just discussed with my class mates and had some fun ,when break was offer we attended the last class for the day then I went to the roadside and boarded a taxi home.
By 5:30pm I was home ,feeling so exhausted I showered and performed my prayers then went to the kitchen to look for something to eat, they had cooked delicious yam and cabbage 🥬

My lunch

After eating I joined my sisters in the sitting room to watch a movie, we concentrated on the movie cus it was the final episode and the movie was also an interesting one. Futhermore ,my parents were not back home so I just warmed their food and served it on the table.

Not forgetting, I feel ok now from the stomach ache of last night🥰
I got a call from my big sister ,we chat for a while then I remembered that it was my kid brother’s birthday and I had not wished him nor posted him on my status so I had to video call him on whatsapp and sang a song for him ,I made chinchin for him so I called my uncle and informed him about the chinchin so that anytime he comes to Bamenda he would take it to them.

The evening became boring, no movies to watch everyone went to their rooms.
I went to my whatsapp status and began watching the status upload of my contacts then I came across my big brother’s status upload

My big brother’s status upload

He was going to be traveling back to Douala anytime soon so he posted a picture of himself and I saying he will miss me and I’m going to miss him too.

After a while I had a chat with few friends then I can call it a day.
Thanks for reading.

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