Steem Cameroon Best day Contest: 30/04/2021

in Steem Cameroon3 years ago

Greetings fellow steemians, today will be sharing with you all my best day of the week.
It was on Friday the 30th of April 2021 and I work up that morning at 6am said my prayers and l left the bed when to the kitchen washed some few dirty dishes, carried drinkable.

When I was done with the chores, I brushed up took a bath and went out to run some errands and at 11:30am I came back home.
When I got home, I open my WhatsApp and received some pictures from the steemcameroon WhatsApp group from its country’s Amin reporting about the seminar and that had taken place at the Wisdom Garden Hotel opposite PCC Musang Church and how great it went so immediately I downloaded the pictures and uploaded them on all my social media platforms and then reported to the group with a screenshot of all the pictures i posted and later that evening I was so impressed with the engagements I got and so people where really interested to be member of the steemit but their distance was the barrier to me.

And with each of them, I left a message how the could join and I gave them directive on how to register even though they faced some difficulties which I guess was a system error and I told them to try it again later





When I was done with the drama of sensitization, I received a call from @bertrandtata asking me if I was home and I said yes and by noon, he joined me at home. We sat and discussed and I told him I felt like eating Achu or fufu and Kati Kati but Achu was were my appetite was really going.
Before I got home, I had call me junior sis Sonita to come meet me at the cus she stays across town at makepe she was on her way and during that time @bertrandtata told me about a place at ancient route opposite Dakar hotel where they sell good Achu. I was so eager to go taste it and immediately, I enter the bathroom and took a bath and I was dressing up, Sonita entered the house.

As she entered, in less than 10minutes we all strolled to the road were we got a bike and all went to the restaurant.

When we got there, we ordered 3 plates of Achu and I was amazed by the way we were served by calabash wow that was so traditional and for an instant, it reminded of my late grand father who I usually go tapping with and we come back and he serves me thesame. And the regenerated the moments when we get back he enters one small room and comes out with that calabash and two horn tradition cups for us to drink 😭 ( I miss him) so that sparkled the image of him immediately and I ask if the sell palm wine and she said yes and am like in that same kind of calabash she said yes so I ordered 1 calabash of palm wine




My brother @bertrandtata’s girlfriend and joined came joined us and ate fufu corn and Kati Kati while we were done eating and was on the mimbo and when she was done, we left and took some crazy pictures on the road side




So from there we stopped at a bar at Ndobu and starting celebrating the labour day wish was to be the next day😂😂😂 at least all this was to get our little sis to feel our presence of her brothers.

So after drinking two bottles she had to go home cus she had a long journey to travel 😂 since she came from accross the town so we left and saw her off at the road and put her in a taxi.
Came back and continued drinking till about 9pm, my brother’s girlfriend left for the house



I had to meet up with friend we visited me once in Bamenda so when I told him I was in Douala, he insisted we meet so he could keep me well and give me a story to carry back to Bamenda about him and @bertrandtata met up with some of his students we had invited home too. Was a day full of fun and to remember at the same time and night 🤩 and was so tired That I needed a little tired at thesame time





We left at the club there at 1:30am to the house. When we got home we took a bath and without wanting to be disturbed with all the tiredness I feel of to bed.

Thanks for reading

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