Steem Cameroon- Steemit Engagement Challenge - Season 8 (Week 5) || My Parents, My Heroes.

in Steem Cameroonlast year

Hello all steemians friends especially to the @steemcameroon community, This is week 5 of the engagement challenge. On this occasion I am always ready and eager to wait for engagement challenge posts every week even though I haven't succeeded in facing and participating in the contest, this week I am very interested in the theme given by the community, with interesting topics to discuss, I hope to be the best on this post, hopefully my post will be my thoughts in the contest.

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In your own words, explain what you understand about being a parent!!!

In my opinion, being a parent is a very big thing and has a big enough responsibility in a family, parents have a big burden and responsibility and a burden that is carried until the child grows up later, being a parent is not an easy thing as one might imagine. , because there are big things that parents always carry when they have children.

Especially when children grow up, the burden borne by parents increases. Not one side that burdens parents, although almost all sides. Everyone tries to educate their children to be the best, even though there are a handful of children who make their parents grow tired, it's not being a child who makes their parents proud.

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Tell us about your heroes (Parents) (eg what do you usually do together, how important are they to you!!!)

Heroes for me, my parents There have been many precious moments and things filled with sweat and worked hard in the face of any risk to make me happy even though he struggled to make a living, but we have lived a decent life as long as we live, I will always given whatever I asked for according to my needs, even though I was growing up and my parents were also getting older, but my parents still chose to give me monthly money because according to them it was their obligation.

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What is the main role of parents for you?

The main role of parents for me is to provide a decent and sufficient education for children my age, parents provide the best and highest education for me because of that people are the main holder for me, and they as parents know what their children need .

Do you see Parenthood as a Scam?

Parents as one of the good parenting sciences for children in educating and taking care of their children, this is very good to apply if parents have children because they will provide good things and moments in educating their children to a more mature level to grow good character. Good.

Therefore, every parent must have sufficient parenting knowledge so that the provision of educating and caring for children will be better so that children grow to be as expected because the most important education and services must be carried out by parents.


Being a parent is not an easy thing, but being a parent is a very difficult thing to take care of and provide the most important guidance in a child's life. Thank you for your attention and visit, sorry for the oversight and error, Greetings!!!


A brief explanation that is very good to remember where parents always know what their children need,
Keep the spirit up ✍️
Good luck in this contest my friend.


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