Creative Writing Contest Vol. 18 | Farming: How is farming done in your community?

in Steem Cameroon3 years ago (edited)

Hello steemians and all the members in Steem Cameroon.I trust everybody is progressing nicely 😍. . Many thanks for getting sorted out such challenge.


Farming is the demonstration or interaction of tilling the fields, sowing seeds, and developing consumable plants. You can likewise depict raising animals for milk or meat as farming . Farming is an extraordinary way of depicting the way of life and work of individuals whose positions are in the agribusiness.



Here, in the Northern part of Ghana, our primary kind of revenue is through these cultivating exercises.

The vital food crops locally incorporate; maize, millet, cowpeas, sorghum , rice, groundnuts, and sweet potato. Likewise domesticated animals and poultry like goats, sheep , cattles, canines, hare, birds, fowl , gunea fowl are kept by most of rustic families locally.




There are various types of cultivating frameworks which are drilled by individuals in my community . some of them incorporate ;

• Mixed cultivating

This is a horticultural cultivating practice in which a rancher all the while develops yields and raises animals on a similar real estate parcel. Simultaneously, he establishes an assortment of yields with changed development stages.

Editing proceeds all through the season. In blended cultivating, the droppings of the animals are utilized as excrement by the rancher, consequently less manufactured compost is utilized. Some livestock are additionally raised and utilized as ranch foothold by the rancher.

• Domesticated animals/pastoral cultivating

In this sort of cultivating, ranchers just back cattles yet don't develop crops. Dairy cultivating, hamburger steers creation, and fleece creation are only a couple of models.

Ranchers utilize accessible feed supplies to take care of their steers in this framework. In contrast to roaming cultivating, they don't migrate their dairy cattle. Ranchers make pastures for their animals.

• Arable Farming

The rancher plants exclusively crops in this cultivating strategy. He develops yearly harvests like vegetables, plantains, cassava, oats, and vegetables, among others. This innovation can be utilized on a little or huge scope for business purposes.

In Arable cultivating, the rancher develops just harvests, the rancher need specific abilities and expertise .

• Subsistence Farming

This sort of cultivating permits the rancher to take care of himself and his family. Cultivating is normally done on minuscule plots of land with fundamental ranch gear. The ranchers in this framework are ordinarily thought to be poor. They don't use as much compost or upgraded seeds as they ought to.



By and large, productivity is low. Besides, they once in a while approach power or water system. The ranchers and their families devour most of the food they develop.

• Plantation Farming/Tree crop cultivating

In ranch Farming, a rancher plants one sort of yield on a sensibly huge measure of land, this is alluded to as monoculture. Elastic, tea, espresso, and cocoa are among the yields developed. Flavors, coconut, apples, grapes, oranges, mangoes, avocado, and different foods grown from the ground are additionally included.

It is oftentimes done on a business premise with a critical capital cost. The framework requires sound administration and mechanical skill. Machines, composts, water system, and different offices might be required.




Horticulture assumes a critical part in the economy of my local area and Ghana all in all and gives the principle wellspring of food, pay and work to individuals.

Through cultivating ,larger part of the world's food and materials are created. Farming things incorporate cotton, fleece, and calfskin. Wood for development and paper items are additionally given through cultivating exercises.




Some significant cultivating exercises adds to a bigger number of natural issues that cause ecological debasement like shrubbery consuming, environmental change, deforestation, biodiversity misfortune, no man's lands, hereditary designing, water system issues, toxins, soil corruption, and waste.




The key difficulties influencing smallholder ranchers locally incorporate ;

helpless soils, low efficiency and changes in climatic conditions. What's more, land grapping by unfamiliar privately owned businesses has turned into a huge worry of worker ranchers locally .

Environmental change is another issue that is hurting their cultivating strategy and capacity to create on schedule. Buying products is progressively sought after during cataclysmic events

• Insufficient amount of water

Horticulture is the most water-concentrated industry on the planet.This is on the grounds that water is one of the significant crucial requirements which is assume to be thinking about prior to participating in any cultivating exercises.

Water is perhaps the most major issue the greater part of the worker ranchers locally are battling with.

• Cost of Energy

The significant expense of force or power that our ranchers are answerable for is a significant issue. This is perhaps the most squeezing concern ranchers locally face consistently. The expense is extreme, and the rancher habitually loses half of his income.




Farm apparatuses are on the whole the instruments that are utilized in farmlands to make ranch work simpler. Some are basic hand devices that are regularly utilized on little ranches, while others are huge rural hardware that are utilized on a lot bigger homesteads.

Human work is diminished by the utilization of apparatuses and hardware. Ranchers are utilizing devices, gear, and apparatus to build ranch creation while additionally reducing work expenses.

The following are a portion of the homestead instruments utilized locally.

• Hoe

A hoe is a multipurpose farming hand instrument that might be utilized to shape soil, control weeds, eliminate soil, and collect root crops. Heaping earth around the foundation of plants (hilling) or developing limited wrinkles (penetrates) and shallow channels for sowing seeds and bulbs are two different ways to shape the dirt.

Cutting leaves from the roots and eliminating the dirt of old roots and harvest extras should be possible with a digger to control weeds. Tools can be utilized to burrow and move soil during the collecting of root crops like cassava, yams, sweet potato, and so forth

• Spade and Shovel

A digging tool is an instrument that is utilized to burrow, lift, and move mass things like soil, coal, rock, snow, sand, or mineral. Digging tools are generally utilized in cultivating, development, and planting. Most of digging tools are hand instruments with a wide sharp edge joined to a medium-length handle.

• Hand Sickle

A sickle is a hand-held farming carry out with a bended sharp edge that is usually utilized for collecting grain harvests or cutting delicious feed for domesticated animals feed (either newly cut or dried as feed). Hand sickles arrive in an assortment of shapes and sizes, and they're used in an assortment of societies.

• Pickaxe

They are utilized as planting apparatuses, just as to separate hard landscape and as cultivating instruments.

• Rake

The primary capacity of the rake is to extricate and even out the ground .



• Sprinkler

A sprinkler is a device that is utilized to water ranch products, yards, and different regions. The sprinkler is profoundly compelling for cooling and controlling flying garbage. It's a strategy for applying water that impersonates regular precipitation.

Siphoning is utilized to move water through an arrangement of channels. Sprinklers splash water into the air with the target of isolating it into little water drops that tumble to the ground.

• Tractor

The work vehicle is a significant piece of farming gear. This is currently standard cultivating gear from one side of the planet to the other. In light of its size and force, it can work in troublesome landscape while hauling or towing farming things. It is the most broadly utilized and multifunctional horticultural machine.

• Combine-reaper

The join reaper is a huge piece of hardware with cutting brushes and a rake. The usage of work and creation costs have both been decreased because of this machine. It can work and reap with exactness. For the farmer, reapers are an assurance of proficiency.



Steem Cameroon in association with @thegreens has coordinated a great challenge which target advancing our insight and abilities in regards to the cultivating exercises in our different Communities. Thank you all for reading.


 3 years ago 

Great work. You keyed out the positive and negative impact of farming and the difficulties farmers face in your community. That’s great. @mukka

 3 years ago 


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