Vibe equals Tribe

in Steem Cameroonlast month

Greetings from Bamenda City to you all beautiful people of the Steemit ecosystem! Hope we're all doing well!

Have you ever attended an event and a speaker comes on stage and is acting tense?

I want you to think about how you feel when that happens.

It is said that "no audience wants to listen to a speaker who is not convinced about what he is trying to convince them about."


That is why I always encourage all my trainees to speak with conviction even if they are not convinced because passion is energy and energy is contagious. When you speak with conviction and passion, the audience will listen with conviction and passion.

The following are some reasons why passion is important in public speaking:

  1. Enhances Delivery:
    Passion fuels your body language, vocal variety, and overall stage presence. It naturally makes your delivery more dynamic and engaging.

  2. Motivation: Passion is what fuels your dedication to crafting a compelling speech. It drives you to research thoroughly, practice effectively, and refine your message for maximum impact.

Even if you're not naturally passionate about a specific topic, you can still channel passion by focusing on the positive impact your message can have.


  1. Captivates Attention: People gravitate towards enthusiasm. When you speak with passion, it conveys a strong belief in your message, grabbing the audience's attention and holding it throughout your speech. As Malcolm X said, "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." Your passion becomes contagious, drawing listeners in and making them invested in what you have to say.

  2. Engagement: Passion is contagious. Your excitement about the topic can spark interest in the audience and keep them engaged throughout your speech. This is especially important for topics that might otherwise be dry or technical.

"There is no passion to be found playing small - in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living." - Nelson Mandela

Mastering how to give presentations only on topics that you are passionate about then your presentations will be much more impactful.

Until next time,



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