Steem Cameroon Best day Contest - 27/09/2023

in Steem Cameroon10 months ago

Assalam o Alaikum everyone! I hope you will be well and good by the grace of Almighty Allah who is the most merciful and gracious to everyone.

Today I am here to share my day with you. Today I got up early in the morning according to my daily routine. The morning weather was looking very beautiful and charming. I took ablution first of to offer my prayer. The time was short to offer the prayer. So I decided to offer my prayer at home. After that I took another nap as I was feeling sleepy and lazy. So I slept again for some time.

After sometime I woke up. It was the time for the breakfast. I was feeling hungry as well. I asked my mother to cook my bread. She cooked it and I ate my breakfast in the morning. We take our breakfast early in the morning as we have become habitual.


After that I had to fix the electric plug of the direct current fan. Actually yesterday the plugs of the fan started sparking and they were spoiled due to sparking. As the sparking caused burning of the plug. We used make and female plug for the direct current solar pedestal fan. After that I connected the wires without plug but it continued the sparking and it was becoming harmful for the system. So today I brought new plugs for the solar fan. And in the morning I peeled off the wires and then fixed them in the in the plugs. I used different devices for the fixing of those plugs. Now the plugs were working fine and smoothly.

My brother is ill and the doctors have recommended him to eat bread made up of barley. Barley bread is very useful for the health even for the normals persons. These are grown with the wheat and these looks like the wheat. So I had to grind the barley to get it's flour. My sister washed them to make them clean and remove the dust from them. Then my brother spread them at the price of a clothe so that they could become dry. I was helping him and learning new things about the barley.


Then it was the time to go to the shop. My brother was already at the shop. Now I went to the shop so that he could eat his breakfast. The shop floor was full of dust and it was looking dirty. I started cleaning the floor with the brush. You can see that I collected a lot of dust and clay along with some pieces of cards and papers from the floor. Input the waste material in a plastic bag so that it could not be disrupted again on the floor. Then I did dusting of the shelves of the shop.

My brother brought some things for the shop as these were less in the shop. He brought some feeders, hair colours, rose water and soaps. I got all those things from the bag and started ordering them in the shelves of the shop. Firstly I put them on the glass table and then I was picking them from the table and I was keeping them in the shelves. It was a lovely experience for me to arrange and manage the things in my own way. In a few time I completed this task.


I opened the bag fully and I started getting all the things from the bag one by one. I picked all the liquid things from the bag. Liquid things included shampoo, hair oil, and perfumes. There was a big box of whitening bleach cream. So now I ordered these things at their specific places so that we can find them easily. These were the famous products.

Then I got all the things from the bag and out them on the table. It included soaps, shutter laces, beauty creams, beauty soaps, face washes, talc perfume, men whitening cream and ointments. There were different kinds of sachet shampoo as well. So I sorted all the things separately and I placed them in their respective places. Meanwhile some customers were coming and I was dealing them at the same. I tried my best to wind up the work quickly.


In the shop I have glass marble balls. These are of different colours. Children plays with them. So different children were coming to buy those glass marble balls. I was selling those playing glass marble balls with no profit no loss price. And the children were coming again and again to buy them. They were buying their desired colours. These different colours look very beautiful. I had marble balls of different sizes. There were three different sizes. The children were loving the normal size balls. These were painted internally with a proper design as you can see in the picture.

It was very hot day. I was drinking water again and again. The sun was flashing brightly. Due to the heat the birds were flying here and there to find a shadow shelter. In the morning the weather was cool and lovely but later on the weather became hot. The scorching sun was making it hot and hot. It was hard to see towards the sun in the sky. I hanged the school bags outside the shop. I got them from the hanging wire to protect them from the sharp heat of the sun.

Then I was sitting in the shop under the fan. A female customer came there to get school bags. She wanted to have two school bags one for her little daughter and for her older child. I started showing her bags. She was looking the design carefully. I showed her different types of bags. Finally she selected two bags to buy. Those were good bags with the reasonable price. She started bargaining at the price of the bags. Then I gave her more discount and we both became agree at a price. So in this way I sold two bags to that lady.


We have some clothes decorating material in the shop as well. We have small shutter laces, big shutter laces and other female dress decorating materials. A female came there to get side lace for the shirt. I got the piece of clothe from her and I started matching the side laces with the piece of clothe. Then I showed her different laces. She selected one from them and then I cut the required piece of that lace and I gave it to her.

Then I applied for an admission of my cousin in the university. Merit lists were being displayed. But the merit list for which we were waiting was not yet displayed. We all were very curious and waiting for the list to be displayed anxiously. I was refreshing the page again and again. So finally the merit list was display and his name came in the selected students for the admission. I became very happy and I congratulated him on his selection. So it was really the best thing for me and my cousin.

Then it was the evening time. It was getting dark. I was very hungry at that time. So I reached home and I got my dinner. I ate my dinner to my fill. Then I joined my family. I discussed different matters with my mother. It was night and I was feeling sleepy. So I disclosed every topic and I tried to sleep because I had to wake up early in the next morning to perform my duties.

So guys it was how my whole day was spent with love and happiness. I enjoyed my day and it was really very wonderful and the best day for me.

All the pictures are mine taken by my mobile Redmi Note 10.


It is true that arranging every item in the right way also saves our time and I am also a lady, whenever I go shopping, I definitely bargain (ha ha) and the best thing is by reading in your post. The glass marble balls you sell on no profit no loss basis show your humanity and how much you love children. Good luck with the contest 👍

Thank you so much dear 🥰 females always bargain 😂

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