Steem Cameroon Best day Contest - 03/10/2023

in Steem Cameroon11 months ago

Assalam o Alaikum everyone! I hope you will be well and good by the grace of Almighty Allah who is the most merciful and gracious to everyone.

Today I am here to participate in a contest organized by @steem-cameroon about the best day of the week. If you haven't joined it yet and you wanted to join it then join and share your best day here.

Join Here: Steem Cameroon Contest : Best Day of the Week (25th September - 01st October 2023)

Today I got up early in the morning and it wa really a beautiful morning for me as I found myself alive to see the beauty of the nature this day again. I was very excited today because I had to go to the university after a lot of holidays. I had holidays from the university because of the semester break. And now the classes had started again. So guys I started my preparation to go the university.


I got the shower at first attempt after trimming my beard. As soon as I got shower I changed my dress. Then I had to take my breakfast. My sister in law cooked breakfast at time. There was an egg omelette which is my favourite. So guys I did my breakfast and now I had to go to the bus stop.

I got the money from my brother for the fare. The bus stop is near my house and I could go to the bus stop by walking on foot. So I went to the bus stop. I saw the bus stop and it was full of students. Many students were waiting for their conveyance. There were some of my friends who were going to the college. Actually those were my juniors.

After waiting for sometime the bus arrived. I got into the bus and I got my seat at last of the bus. Some other friends also sat with me. Now my journey in real meaning because via bus now I was leaving my town. After covering almost 14 kilometers within 20 minutes I reached the next city. From this city I had to pick another bus. The bus was ready. So without wasting time I got into the bus. I did traveling for almost 40 minutes and then I reached the next city. After that I had to pick another bus which had to drop me in the university. So guys after waiting for a few moments the bus arrived there and I sat into the bus immediately because I didn't want to miss the bus.

So after covering my remaining distance from the last bus I reached the university. Alhamdulillah I reached the university safe and sound. Nowadays admissions are still going on. The classes of many departments have started.

My cousin was also coming there who had gotten admission here recently in the MPhil. It was the orientation day of my cousin's classes. So I was waiting for her. She had to come slightly late after attending her college. Untill then I sat in the gallery under the fan. Students were walking around here and there. I was enjoying social media such as steemit at that time. I was replying to others posts.


When the time of her arrival was near then I got out of the university and went to the bus bay. Because she is new. She had to got off the bus at the bus bay and I had to to pick her from there. Now I did wait for her arrival. I was in contact with her. Finally she arrived at the bus with her student. I received them from the bus bay and then we reached the university. The orientation room was 308 in the academic block - I. So I found the room and then we sat there. There was time in the start of the orientation. I also sat with her in the orientation and I attended with her.

Then we were free and we did some gossips about the upcoming classes and the lectures. I guided her about the different places in the university as well as about my department. Then we were feeling hungry. We wanted to eat something. So we ate food from the university cafe. We ordered coke and fries to eat their. While we were eating our lunch we were doing gossips. We discussed different scenarios of the lectures and the timing of the classes. In the orientation it came to know that mostly the students were desiring to attend their classes in the evening session. My cousin was also desiring to take admission in the evening session so that she could manage her college as well as university at the same time. She did not want to loose her job as well as her university classes.

After that we were dispersed because now we wanted to go to the school. She went to toward the university parking. Now she got the facility of the pick up van. But I had to go to the main road to get my bus to reach home. So guys I reached the bus stop. The bus came it was in speed but I tried to get into the bus by running. So I got into the bus and I reached the next stop where I got another bus to reach my nearest city. Here I did wait for a while and then I got the bus which could drop me to my home town. So after a lot of travelling struggles I reached home safe and sound.


Then I visited the rice mill. There are a lot of rice mills in my area. They produce rice at large quantity. I am found of building my own rice mill. And it is the reason I love to visit the rice mills. So today I went to the rice mill where people were working. They have a lot of area where they dry the rice. After drying them the processing to get eating rice is started. These rice mills produce different qualities of rice according to the requirements. They deal with the big companies and then these rice mills work accordingly. These rice mills also provide special packing to the companies. The rice of this mills are also exported in different countries. So they produce quality rice. When I reached there the workers were collecting the rice from the ground as in the morning they spread them to dry them. And as it was the afternoon so they were closing them to protect them from the rain and moisture.


I was tired because of the continuous travelling. I wanted to take rest. So I got a power nap in the room. I turned off the lights in the room and I slept in the darkness to get a nice nap. After sleeping for sometime I got up. I saw my little niece who were walking here and there with the help of the walker. So I played with her by pushing her walker. She was enjoying it and feeling very happy.

It was the evening time. And the sun was setting down. It was getting dark. The setting sun was making the sky very beautiful. The pageant was lovely to see. I stayed at the roof to see the beauty scenery of the nature. As I was there a call of my friend came at my WhatsApp. So I joined my friend and we did a lot of talks about our today. Then my cousin also joined me to get information about his admission in the university. Actually it is another my cousin who has taken admission recently.


After that I was feeling hungry because I had eaten a light fast food in the university. My sister in law had cooked the feet of the chicken as well as biryani. The biryani was looking very tasty and delicious. So without waiting more I asked to give the dinner. I got it and added the curry into the rice. It added more taste to the biryani. I ate my dinner to my fill. Then I spent some time with my family. We did many talks. After that I was feeling asleep. So guys I went to the bed and it was how my whole day was spent in attending the university after a lot of holidays. I enjoyed my traveling journey as well as meeting with my cousin and her friends.

All the pictures are mine made by my mobile Redmi Note 10.


You've got a free upvote from witness fuli.
Peace & Love!

 11 months ago 

Your visit to the rice Mill was a good one.
It makes sense

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