in Steem Cameroon3 years ago

The definition of guilty is feeling bad about something you have done, or is someone who committed and was proved responsible for a crime or wrongdoing.Source


1. Roll call of the guilty Egyptians

a. Pharaoh. A maximum ruler used his power to brutally oppress and afflict the Israelites despite the fact that it was the Israelites, through Joseph, who saved Egypt from near extinction, 2:23, 3:10.
b. The close relations of the despot. Unlike Pilate's wife, there is no record that any of his relations warned or advised him to stop dealing with the Israelites wickedly.
c. Pharaoh's advisers. All of them valued their positions more than the fear of God. All kept sealed lips in the midst of terror.
d. The magicians and mysteriously powerful people. All the atrocities of Pharaoh did not concern them until God's power was too much for them when they said, "this is the finger of God."
e. The whole Egyptians. They were all guilty because they all left Pharaoh to do all his wickedness with heavy casualties on both sides, yet they kept quiet. No record of any action to make Pharaoh have a rethink.
Q Who are the other guilty groups in Egypt?
Their silence, stupidity, sadism, selfishness, and senselessness against the people of God were too costly to describe or imagine. None escaped. Egypt never fully recover till now.

2. Responsibility of Christians in a godless environment

a. God expects each Christian, using their status in the society, to be actively engaged in what will better the society as "light" and "salt".
b. Living a shinning life, Intercession, persuading the wicked and the sinful to repent, preaching of righteousness without fear or favor, using social media to propagate righteousness and condemn evils, responding to evil philosophies and writings with the truth of the word, etc can be deployed by a true child of God, Acts 26:9, Matthew 5:13-16, I Timothy 2:1.

Q What selfless activities are you involved in to stop or reduce the tide of wickedness in your nation or community?
Inactivity and silence in the midst of darkness is tantamount to wickedness👌

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