Classification Kingdom Animalia (Part 1)

in Steem Cameroon2 years ago


It has been a while, I will be completing the classification table as mentioned in this post. Animalia is the last kingdom of living things and the most evolved and largest kingdom. The animal kingdom is majorly divided into two large groups: Vertebrates(animals with a backbone) and Invertebrates(animals that lack a backbone). These major groups are sub-divided into smaller groups which are divers.

As I mentioned above, Animalia kingdom is the largest kingdom and consists of eukaryotic, multicellular (heterotrophic) in nature. This group of living things (Animal Kingdom) obtains their nutrition from external sources, meaning they can not produce their food. Animals differ from plants in this aspect, and their cells lack cell walls when compared. Examples of living things in these kingdoms include Mammals, Fish, Birds, Reptiles, amphibians, insects, mollusks and annelids, etc. As mentioned, this kingdom is divided into Vertebrates and Invertebrates.


Vertebrates are the group of animals that possess a backbone and belong to the phylum Chordata with an internal skeletal system with muscles. Vertebrates are sub-divided into five(5) groups :


This is a group of vertebrate animals whose young ones are fed with milk gotten from the mammary glands of the mothers. This makes them different from others with these unique features. Mammalians can adapt to any environment and are found all over the planet earth.

Some characteristics of Mammalia are

  • They are warm-blooded animals
  • They have mammary glands (help in milk production for young ones)
  • Most dominant and found in all types of habitats
  • They have hair on their bodies(regulated body temperature).
  • They are heterodont (having different types of teeth)
  • They respire through the lungs
  • They have well-developed brains
  • Some are viviparous( can lay eggs too)
  • They have a high-level sense of hearing etc.

Mammals can still be subdivided into Eutheria, Metatheria, and Prototheria.

Eutherians are Mammals that give birth to young ones, which are developed inside the mother. The young have their nutrition from the mother through the placenta. A few examples are Proboscidea (Elephants),Rodentia(Rats), Artiodactyla(Cows) etc.

Metairie is mammals that give birth to immature young ones, which then stay in the mother's pouch until they get mature. Examples are Notoryctemorphia(Marsupial modes), Diprotodontia(Kangaroo), etc.

Prototheria is mammals that lay eggs and hash their young ones. Example Monotremata (Duck-Billed platypus, Echidna)

To make this kingdom easy to understand, scientists classified mammals in this form.

AnimalsLion, Tiger, Dog
MarsupialsKangaroo, Koala, Womba
PrimatesChimpanzee, Gorilla, Monkey
RodentsSquirrel. Mouse, Porcupine
CetaceansDolphins, Whales
Other mammalsSeal, Walrus, Sea-lion

With time I will do more research to share more on the different classifications of Mammals, so keep following my post.


Aves is the category of Mammals with wings, feathers, and well-developed peaks. Aves have sharp eyes and wide mouths and jaws with no teeth. Aves are warm-blooded vertebrates, have four-chambered hearts, and reproduce by laying eggs.

Some have wings but are based on land, and not all flying animals are birds (bats), for example, kiwi, emu, chicken, and woodpecker. You can read Anseriformes (WaterFowl -> species of birds) get more about characteristics and features of Aves

Amphibia, Agnatha, and Osteichthyes will be in my next work as I will be completing the seven classes under the Vertebrate Category.

 2 years ago 

Nature, nature, nature. Always my hooker


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