Steem Cameroon Best day Contest - Tuesday (May 7, 2024)

in Steem Cameroon2 months ago (edited)

Every day is the best day of my life, the best day in my opinion is being able to help others by carrying out mutual cooperation activities, helping to alleviate the medical expenses of people who are sick. At least I've become a helper angel for some people in need.

💁‍♂️ Mutual cooperation and learning a humble attitude in leadership

This morning we together with all members at work carried out gotong royong activities for an important and historic agenda that will be held tomorrow, tomorrow's important event is the event to send off the old leader and welcome the new leader.

Our old leader Mrs. Asnita has received a transfer and promotion in a new place, namely MIN 3 Lhokseumawe City school, while our school MIN 4 Lhokseumawe will have a new leader, Mr. Radjasalman.

We carry out gotong royong to clean the teacher's office which will be used as an event venue tomorrow, some special guests are also certain to attend.


We understand and help each other, seeing some friends who are busy working

We understand and help each other, seeing some friends who are busy working other friends participate in helping not just sitting. Some were changing the tablecloths, some were arranging the tables and chairs, some were sweeping the yard from the dust. I myself helped lift the tables and arrange the chairs, knowing that the ladies were not too energetic to do heavy lifting.

I myself helped lift the tables and arrange the chairs

In my opinion, there are two things that are most beautiful when this mutual cooperation activity is carried out, first, the togetherness of all friends who help each other, second, the humility of the leader who wants to do mutual cooperation work with his subordinates.


Our leader's humble demeanor is worthy of emulation and example @asnita0110.

This is an exemplary attitude that we should emulate, usually leaders only like to sit sweetly and order their subordinates, without wanting to work. But it is different from what our leader did on this one, he worked together with us, he swept the office yard, he also tidied up the tablecloths and flower vases. It wasn't just this time that he behaved like that, but there have been so many behaviors that can serve as examples and role models in the context of leadership.

🏥 Visiting sick grandfather and providing cash assistance for medical expenses

In the afternoon, my father and I visited one of our grandfathers who was being treated at the Malahayati General Hospital (RSU) in Bireuen. He is now 71 years old. He is almost never sick, usually he is always strong and vigorous and can even do heavy work in the garden.

1000155897.jpgVisiting grandfather and providing cash assistance for medical expenses


Only this time he was lying weakly on a hospital bed, naturally the disease he suffered was also not playing games, currently he is experiencing heart disease so it is difficult to breathe, therefore he must use oxygen to help breathing.

My presence was only to encourage and support him, and I also prayed for him to be given a speedy recovery. Luckily, when we came to visit him, he was conscious, so it was easy to communicate with him.

After finishing visiting my sick grandfather we left for Lhokseumawe city, arriving home I took a shower to clean my body because it was also late afternoon, then I rested watching Tik tok videos on my cellphone while waiting for maghrib prayer time to come.

At night, my wife invited me to go to a clothing store to see some discounted clothes that were cheap and had good material, hunting for clothes is a habit of my wife that I can't stop anymore, even though I always tell her to save and save. But how can I stop her, because she buys with the money she earns from her hard work selling cakes.


clothes at Bellshop

Indeed, on the one hand, it is not detrimental if she likes shopping for clothes, she always makes the argument that buying clothes is to please me. Because if seen by other people, his wife looks beautiful and attractive, of course her husband will be happy.

I also can't say anything else to stop him, one of the things that makes him stop shopping is when he doesn't get good stuff. It's only natural that women are always selective in choosing.

We decided to look for clothes at Bellshop, this shop provides women's clothing items purchased directly from Bangkok. What is the reason, generally women here really like clothes made in neighboring countries rather than their own local products.


But one thing that makes me very happy to come here, there is the son of the shop owner who has a very handsome face, but he is not very active like a typical baby because his attitude is always relaxed and like an adult.

I was very happy to see this baby, my wife and I also hoped to have a baby as cute and funny as this child. But I don't know when God will give us a baby, let time will tell. As a human, I can only pray and wait patiently.

garis pembatas @miftahulrizky.png

Thus this article, I hope it is useful and inspires all who read it.I also invite you to participate in this contest. @ifatniza, @fantvwiki, @fadia

Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to comment.
Greetings by @miftahulrizky


Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.


You really have a great time and certainly you must have learnt a lot in leadership which is very essential in ones life. Thank you for sharing your day with us

Saya juga mengucapkan terimakasih karena anda telah meluangkan waktu anda untuk membaca postingan ini, semoga postingan ini dapat menginspirasi.


Congratulations! Your post has been upvoted through steemcurator08.

Curated by : @radjasalman

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