Steem Cameroon Best day contest - 11/08/2021

in Steem Cameroon3 years ago (edited)

Hi steemians. My best day of the first week of August was Wednesday the 04th.
The morning was full of rain and I had to to stay indoors all through. Luckily I had cooked the previous day and put reserve for this day in the fridge.

I was with my cousin at our uncle's place . My uncle had just been in an accident and he needed extra help at home so my dad sent us there. I watched them play some games for a while until I got bored.

So I decided to cook cause I was already hungry. They continued to play until midday when they joined me in the kitchen to talk about a football match their team had.
Food was ready so I served everyone. I cooked ripe plantain and vegetables.


The rain stopped and we decided to go out. I rushed home to change and we went to the stadium where my cousin's team was to play a match. The stadium was packed seeing as it was a competition organised by the Mayor of the Buea council.
I took my nephew up and we found a seat. Once seated we waited for the match to start. My uncle's team was winning and he was very happy. He left us for a while to go check on the players at the reserve bench.
He was injured and so he couldn't play.

A view of the stadium..

My nephew and I seated at the bleachers..

When the match was over, we left and went back to my uncle's place. My nephew was looking tired so I helped put him to sleep.
I had a call that evening from a friend of mine who just came to town. She said she'd love for us to meet up before she left so I quickly changed. I didn't feel like wearing my wig again so I undid my braids and washed my hair then just held it back and left the house.
We met up at a restaurant called Senegalaise. I was excited to see her. We found a table and took our seats where we chatted for a good 30 minutes before placing an order.
Our food was served in less than 10 minutes and so we ate and chatted in-between.


When we were done, we left the restaurant and strolled a little before parting ways.
I went home very happy and feeling like everything will be alright.
Thanks for reading

 3 years ago 

😁😁Hello @metugejacy20 i want to read this post but the food is only distracting me 🤣🤣 strange to see a girl loving football .So do you play as well ???? I will love to know.Thanks for sharing this lovely moments but hope your uncle is is feeling much better??

 3 years ago 

Hahahahahahahaha. Oh lord!. I do love football a lot. I used to play in highschool but since entering the university I haven't. Yeah the man is okay now. He's healing. Thanks for reading

 3 years ago 

Ok. That is great we thank God for health

 3 years ago 

Oh, so sorry about your uncle, I hope he's doing ok now. That plantains and vegetables eh 😅
You definitely had a wonderful day. The stadium looked full too, it must have been an exciting match

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