[club5050] Steem Cameroon Poetry Contest season(10) - Divorce.

in Steem Cameroon2 years ago (edited)



Divorce is a legal act of separation of a married couple who have both given consent to the act by signing of legal documents that include terms and conditions of their separation.

My Experience with Divorce..

I am grateful to God for having grown in a happy home where love is the order of the day. But I have watched my family members go through the process and it wasn't a good experience. The case scenario that got me the most was one of my Uncle. He was married to his wife for 11 years and they were blessed with one child after 9 years of searching. My uncle is a lawyer and his ex wife is a teacher. After the coming of their child, his wife had decided she wanted to get a degree in education and had expected my uncle to take care of the child while she went to school. This wasn't possible since my uncle spent most of his time in the office. His wife started acting up and after a year of fights and arguments, his wife decided she wanted nothing to do with both my uncle and the child. She filed for a divorce which my uncle pleaded against but she didn't listen. Saying she was too young for the task of motherhood.
I have watched my uncle struggle with raising his son and still managing to keep his job all through. My cousin (his son) has had to live an unstable life for the most part of his life. Some days he'd have to stay with us and when we can't take him, he'd have to stay with maybe a neighbor or some other friend or relative.
He had to grow up without his mother and as such, he missed the nurture and love of a mother. I remember a time when he had waited for a neighbor to pick him up from school but the neighbor never showed up and so he decided to find his way home and got lost in the process. Thank God he was recognized by another parent from the school who got his father's information from the school and brought him back home. This is an indirect experience of the pain and suffering divorce has caused me.


Let it be known that I tried
That I watched her go with pleading eyes
My world shattering at my feet as if made of fragile glass
My heart racing at a million miles an hour,
I was dying..
My insecurities poking at the depth of my humanity
Making me believe that I wasn't enough
That all I had was love and trust
And that wasn't enough to keep her love.

I looked to the product of my once shared love and froze
I had to be strong and bold
So i ressurected from the depth of my demise with a smile
One he wouldn't know was forced
Of course, he didn't have to know
He was all I had, he was my new life
I held him close to my heart
So he could feel all the love I had.

I had to teach him that love was enough
That the divorce wasn't the end of us
That the pain of rejection would fade
And someday, we'll be loved again
I would bury my face in the pillow and cry
Hoping he wouldn't hear me in the silence of the night
I was still broken deep down
But he didn't have to know that.

Photos of us still hang on my walls
Not as a symbol of unity, that's false
But as a reminder of our strength
That we wouldn't break despite the stress
And that we once had love
And though it got lost,
We will find it again someday.

The poem was inspired by my above explained experience. It's not from my perspective but it's my way of trying to see things through my uncle's eyes.

Thanks for reading.


 2 years ago 

In reality can see by related experienced what tragedy and home jeopardy , term divorce can alway cause on matrimonial home along children . Worse of it , the child or children would get to feel it most compared to either couple . Which can easily fine mate partners any way . Thank you for sharing your related experienced.

 2 years ago 

Thanks for reading and for your constructive remark. You're so right, it's the kids I always pray turn out alright.

 2 years ago 

Awesome poem you got, love the flow and rhythm. Your cousin is strong at heart.

 2 years ago 

Thanks alot. I try to bring out the best in my poems.
And yeah he's a strong guy

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