The Diary Game: A Thursday That Really Count [04/07/2024]

in Steem Cameroon27 days ago

Good day good people, how has it been over here? Lately, I have been trying to have a grip of myself from the struggles but then it seemed i am more engrossed in it, but I am grateful to God it's not swallowing me.

I woke up to the alarm that was already ringing, I checked the time, it was about some minutes pass 4am, so I said my morning prayers and stood up, went to where my laptop is and there I sat and worked on completing my task till 7:45am, I stepped outside a little to go stay, I never had dirty dishes to wash because I had already washed and clean everywhere the previous night.

outside to get some fresh air

At exactly 8:45am, I went back inside, brushed my mouth and then took my bath, did I tell you how tired and stressed I was? I mean I barely have time for myself these days, work has really taken a greater part of my time and yea, I am will keep on pushing.

When I finished taking my bath, I had my breakfast of bitterleaf soup and garri, it was really a heavy breakfast because I needed something heavy so I could sleep early, reason I took much of the food so I will feel tired and weak will will later make me sleep but no, I couldn't.

bitterleaf soup for breakfast

When I finished eating, I tried forcing myself to bed, but I just couldn't, I had to get on my laptop again and began to do extra work on different products before leaving it and stepped outside to go fetch water so I could take bath with before heading to work the next day.

By 4pm, my friend came in with a box, he handed it over to me, lo and behold it was pack of undies, so thoughtful of him, I appreciated him then took it to my wardrobe. After this, we left together so he could go see his girl friend.

a pack of undies from my friend (shot with Gionee f6l

We stepped out to go watch football, we stayed there till 6:36pm, I was just tired sitting one place so we came back home, when I arrived the house, after a while, I warmed the soup that was home so the both of us could take for dinner.

By 9pm, I was already outside to do some free crypto airdrop on telegram before thinking of going to bed and I was having a severe headache. By 10pm I slept off and it was just funny because I had so many things I would've done with that phone.

So guys this was how my day went, hope you all had a a splendid weekend and a beautiful week end , take care of yourselves guys and do well to take care of yourselves. Stay safe.

Thanks for reading 💗


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