in Steem Cameroonlast year


Hello Steemians, it's such a wonderful day to learn and be inspired again, just as I promised on the 3rd episode, I am here to complete the life lessons school never taught us , I strongly believe you all learnt one or two things from the previous posts.
Secondly, permit me to appreciate each and everyone of you who have supported this idea and my posts, may you be blessed beyond measures and to @steem-cameroon, thank you for giving me this wonderful platform to be sharing the little I know about life and learning from others as well, may this community continuento wax stronger and greater, amen.
Having said that, let's go to the main deal of the day.


DO NOT FORCE ANYTHING TO STAY: never you force anyone or anything to stay, one of the worst thing a man should abstain from is forcing things to stay, you can't force friends to stay, if you do, you will also need so much force to keep them, some opportunities are not meant for you, do not force them. In as much as we need to grab opportunities by the neck, we should also have this at the back of our minds that if it seems it will take your life or it is draining you, you just have to let it go.
Do not for any reason force relationships or people, the more you do, the more your worth and value degrade. Be yourself and the right people and opportunities will come knocking on your door.

BEWARE OF TOO MUCH FREE THINGS: As much as you can, also master the act of saying NO. It will help you not just physically but your psychological state will be at peace and rest. Not all gifts should be accepted if the giver isn't a trusted person, many has visited their early grace because of free gifts fhey failed to reject, some are behind bars because they failed to say No to an ill gotten gifts. For the fact that a gift looks flashy and luxurious doesn't mean you should lose sight of who you are and what you stand for, don't trade your integrity and future for some sort of temporary enjoyment, it will never end well. There is nothing as sweet as having peace of mind, void of troubles and overthinking, don't trade that for anything under the sun.

BE FRIENDS TO ALL BUT BE CLOSE TO VERY FEW: For you to grow and live up to your dreams, there are certain people you should sieve off from your circle, not everyone should be allowed in, the friends you keep determines how far you will go in life. Keep visionary people as your friends, people who have winning spirit, keep those that sees your dream and are ready to take that lonely path with you. Sieve away people whose dream and passion contradicts yours, the same way a goat and a lion don't mingle, do not mingle with those that are full of negative energy. Beware of people whose sees negativity before positivity in an opportunity,you will fail to go far with these set of people. As much as you can't be enemies with people, keep the negative ones at arms length so you won't be infected.
This life is so small to keep toxic people around you, they will surely influence your decisions in life and you will end up being one, so the best to do is to keep them at arms length and look out for those that have positive energy.

DO WHAT IS RIGHT EVEN IF IT MEANS DOING IT ALONE: Doing what is right could be hard and sometimes challenging, especially when others sees you as being too straightforward or most times as a clown. Keep doing what is right, you're steps above them, do not let those little minds corrupt your bravery mindset, keep doing the right thing no matter how hard it seems.
Others might not see what you are seeing, it is not your fault that they are blind towards it, you will only be blamed if you don't heal their blindness with your result. You know better, keep pushing towards the right direction, you just can't imagine the result that will come thereafter. Be intentional of the things you do, if it's worth the sacrifice, why not do it?, the greatest risk is taking the risk of not taking a risk , I was told this by my grade 5 teacher.
Don't lose your morals to impress anyone, do you and let the result speak.

BE AT PEACE AT ALL TIMES: lastly but not the least, learn to be at peace at all times, first of all be at peace with yourself, you can only give out what you have. If you have peace, you can as well extend the hands of oeace to others vice versa. Being at peace with yourself comes with so much inner joy that is unexplainable, you just can't help smiling even in the midst of your storms, the peace keeps whispering to you that all will be well.
Also, the world needs peace to heal, the world we are today would be a better place if our leaders can for once embrace peace and keep their ego down. The everyday wars we experience and hear every now and then is as a result of lack of peace, we put leaders who doesn't have the peace within into the office and when they get there, they start dishing out what they have within. There is no such as a disadvantage of being peaceful, it doesn't make you a coward like the world may paint it, even if it does, won't you rather stay healthy and peacefully without being disturbed than to run Helter skelter because you want to prove a point?.
There are things we should ignore just for peace to reign and this starts from us.


Thank you very much for staying with me till the end of this lessons, always remember to be yourself. Be inspired.



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 last year 

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