Creative Writing Contest Volume 15: What you think about the number of subjects and content of subjects students study in Secondary Schools in Cameroon.

in Steem Cameroon3 years ago
I remember a time when able to draw all soughts of insects, animals, country maps, geographical features; memorize paragraphs of world history, recite names and dates of various world figures, events and public locations just to remember them. Well it was quite and interesting time of my educational experience.

Nothing intrigues me most than the replies my teachers always gave in class when i posed the question:
How will this help us in life?


From their answers, we were made to understand that the system we leave in leads and we have no choice but follow. What are a way of leaving us in the dark. For decades primary and secondary education have given out torns of subjects to their customers in Cameroon without a clear way to how this information is being used. Cramming the junk for a paper and abandoning the whole story once the last ink is used in the examination hall.
Where I completed my secondary education, Government Bilingual High School, we always had the argument of which system is better; many subjects or early specialisation as in other places. Well most of the times those with the thoughts in specialisation won the argument but still believed our system had a reason for its way of existence and could definitely not stop schooling even if the gut feeling was strong as what.


In my opinion, the numerous subjects done are not necessary. I for example was a Series 1 student with Maths, physics, Chemistry, Biology, Further maths in Upper sixth. After my Advanced level, I am now a Civil Engineering student with no technical background. Now, look at this, some classmates of the Arts series whom we all know should be in less of calculations are now with me in same class studying civil engineering. What a pity?

※ The numerous subjects and their contents gjve us no sense of direction at the end of the day
※ Plus with a crooky system, you could get any where you wanted even without ever having an idea in a field
※ The younger generations were and are not trained to be problem solvers.
Everyone is given the government dependable mentality from day one in the classroom's four walls.

Even in the University we have some of these irrelevant things being thought just for the sake of what has been obtaining.

  • Something that drives us deeper into the dark age
  • Growing more dependent on the government who cannot provide for everyone
Our system should become more practical. We should be able to think of basic or DIY solutions as teenagers and not only when we become adults. There is this saying we always had back in secondary school

all our games and toys are manufactured by children in Europe during their practical lessons.

Well we have seen the unlike of these here. Our University graduates are those doing dirty work here.
I can only wish for a better change towards our learning system because that is where a country starts with the formation of its next of kins.


Thank you @thegreens for such a se sensitive topic.

 3 years ago 

We are really Jacks of all and master of none plus inventors of nothing. We need to step up the education game!

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