The Dairy Game : Making Preparation For The Event // 22-02-2024

in Steem Cameroon4 months ago

Image taken with my phone.

Hi Steemians,

It is my pleasure to write this diary of mine as an African son. Sharing some uniqueness of some African traditions to the western culture, particularly that of my tribe (Igbo) in my country Nigeria. As a first son, apart from the responsibility of catering for your family and seeing for the well being of your siblings after the death of your father, there are still other things required of the first son to do during and after the burial according to our custom and tradition.

This custom and tradition suggest among other things that a first son of a deceased man must provide 3 goats for his burial which are given to the community, the kinsmen and the deceased uncle's community. Trying to make up with all this traditional demands during my father's burial memorial service was a huge duty for me as I got almost stressed out the day before the event. Keep reading as I share how that unfolded for me.

In the morning when I woke up, I said a brief morning prayers and rushed to the bore hole and started fetching water, filling all the drums. After that, I ate and left for the market with my younger brother to buy some things that will be use in making food for the event.

Image taken with my phone

When we got to the market, we first went to where they sell Cow meat and bought some after which we proceeded to the tomatoes and onions section where we also brought the quantities needed for the cookings.



images taken with my phone.

We walked round the market through the different sections where things are sold, till we bought all the condiments and every other things needed for making of food. We headed home immediately we finished buying, and on our way home, I saw a garden eggs and decided to buy some.

Image taken with my phone.

When we got to the house, we dropped everything we bought and my mom pleaded that I and brother should help them in cutting the meat into small pieces so they can steam it in preparation for the next day event.



Images taken with my phone

When finished cutting the meat into pieces, I freshened up, had my dinner and that was all for the day.
Thank you for reading, I will be waiting to read yours too.

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