The diary game || 27-04-24 || Enjoying The Weekend Powering Up Some Steem Power.

in Steem Cameroonlast month

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The weekend is always there to help you to reflect how your week has gone so far and make proper adjustments and also take adequate rest as needed. Today I will be bringing to you how I spend my week

Morning Activities

As usual I need to wake up as early as possible in order to get some things done since today is Saturday. And as we all know, Saturday is one of the days of the weekend that is always choky to many of us.

I woke up early and make sure I attended to some house hold chores which includes taking care of the dishes I mean washing the plates. Well it does not actually took long for me to get it actually prepared.



When I was done with that actually, one needs to start preparing for the breakfast which was beans one have in mind to actually prepare. As we all know, beans always take quite long to get prepared compared to other food but nevertheless, Saturday is to get beans prepared.


When I was done with that, I actually moved to make sure I took my drugs in order to complete the dose slated for me to use in order to have full recovering health wise. That actually ends my morning.




Afternoon Activities

I spent most of my afternoon in door because I am still recovering from my illness. So I actually spend most of my afternoon on Steemit. Not only that I used that opportunity to participate in the weekly power up which I successfully power up close to 23 steem. I was so happy as at least this added to my influence to the platform the more. It was a joy to always participate in it.






Later in the afternoon, I also used that opportunity to get my nails cut of both my hands and my feets. I have been procrastinating it for so long but not anymore so I used the weekend to get it cut and trimmed.






Evening Activities

Later in the evening, there was a power supply and knowing fully well that tomorrow is Sunday, I used that opportunity to get my clothes ironed in order to look quite awesome at tomorrow's service.




Later in the evening, I prepare the dinner which was a mixture of rice and beans again also. I took my dinner and used the remaining time to spend on Steemit engaging on others people comments



I eventually get to sleep around past 10pm as that ends my day.



❤️I hope you enjoyed very much by reading my post. Thank you so much for reading till the end❤️

Best Regards By


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