in Steem Cameroon3 months ago (edited)


When you look at nature and how intelligently is is arranged, you can't doubt but believe that there is one true God, who is the brain behind all these arrangements.

Look at the law of gravity for example, it says whatever thing goes up must come down.It's a standard, unless there's an equal but opposite force acting upon it. Just follow my analogy a little I want to tell you something.

It is way easier for something to leave from top to come to bottom. Than for something to leave from bottom to the top! Because from the bottom, there are already forces trying to stop you from the bottom.

Now if a school of thought says the kingdom of darkness is below the earth and that of heaven is up in the heavens, then which kingdom will be easier to being to earth?

Matthew 6:10 says They kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven right!

From the previous analogy, it'll be easier to bring the Kingdom of God to earth because of a force already at work on the earth (gravity). No wonder in Matthew 7:7 Jesus says we should just ask and we will receive, seek and we'll find, knock ands the door will bee opened. You see how easy it is to relate with God?

Holds on! Now thee kingdom of darkness (if truly it is below the earth as they told us in Sunday school), before they bring their kingdom on earth, there's already something fighting them from bringing it on earth, so they need something equal or greater than that to be able to cross that barrier! Guess what!

That thing is sacrifice (blood and consecration).

Hold up hold up! How is it easy for them to invade the world and thee kingdom of Light is doing nothing, meanwhile it'll be easy for them to conquer? The answer is that na! The christians are lazy and don't like to sacrifice. Well that's one.

Let me now tell you where the Kingdom of darkness's truly is seated eh. That was just an allegory

The second heavens is the seat of darkness and not under the earth.

So even though they still need sacrifices to establish their kingdom on the earth, they establish their kingdom because it's closer to the earth! And your prayers are not answered because,

  1. It may not be God's will
  2. You asked for bread and the second heavens collected and gave you stone.

The higher ands heavier the object, the stronger the force/speed with which it falls.

So you will ask for your thing, and God will release it immediately if it's in His will and because the second heavens is like the control where you must pass, the devil may just exchange the fish to stone and keep the fish. Then those that made sacrifices will present their sacrifice and collect ya fish to do what they want to do on the earth.

That's why we need to intensify prayers like Dani boo (Daniel) in the bible. My guy prayed and the answer was released from the first day. But the second heavens held the answer. But because of persistence and rascality, the grand didn't stop! The answer he saw was not what he asked for.

Finally, his answer came on the 21st day! Hallelujah!.

Oga don't get tired, you've prayed and not seen it, keep praying then add much more consecration. Your fish can be recovered. You get the point?


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