THE END DOESN'T JUSTIFY THE MEANS?steemCreated with Sketch.

in Steem Cameroon2 years ago


We have so many times heard this statement that the end justifies the means but in my own opinion, the statement is not accurately correct because of many reasons.

In this Kingdom, the end doesn't justify the means. Both the end and the means are equally important. The end might be important to you, but what is even more important to God is the means.

For God, there is no possibility of achieving His end outside of His means. But human beings can achieve their end irrespective of His means. But for God anytime you miss any point in the equation in the means to the end, Whatever you get at the end is not God's end!🤔

So the real end of God, is a cumulative effect and impact of the means. So what God calls the end is that the means was properly fitted and properly met from Point 1 to point 2 (beginning to end). With God, the process is important than the answer, He is interested in the showing of all working just as in Calculus (differential and integral equations).

If we both are running a race and there is a possibility of taking a shortcut, the race is to be ran at a distance of 1km but you know a road which you'll use 100m to reach the finish line. If you decide to take that road and win the race and your opponent takes the normal route, will it be the same? Many people have taken the shortcut and have not had enough experience to run the next race.

The bible makes us to understand when apostle Paul spoke, that Any man that runs a race should make sure he runs it lawfully. If in this christian race you're focussed on how to be prosperous but you use dubious means to get the money all in the name of, the end will justify then you've failed.

No prize is given to a person who cheats! An opportunity can arrive at your door so charmingly all in the name proposing a wrong path for you to follow. The means to the end is important than the end to the means. Let us see an example of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ!

There was a time in Jesus Christ's ministry in Matthew chapter 4 where He was tempted of the devil and that devil came in the similitude of a serpent to propose an end to Jesus. He said, turn these stokes to bread, then asked Jesus to bow to him, all in a bid of giving him the end of what he had to die for. Jesus came to die so that He may be glorified!

The process was clear! That He should die first then glory will come, but the devil came and proposed glory to Jesus without him going through the cross. Imagine what could happen if He did accept that. Then we wouldn't ever have salvation on earth. That's the major problem Most youths have in our time.

So a young Minister will want a double portion of the anointing of another father in the faith! Someone who did 30years to develop what he has and you want it in 30secs🤣. Check the means first bro! Create your history (process) with God first.

Even in the business world, we see many who want to have billions at age 20 all at once and they say "the end will justify the means" Now have you all read the scripture which says

"There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end is destruction thereof"

The end in its own is a trap when the means is not correct, God made us to understand that He created the heavens and the earth then He saw that it was good at the end

So please, each time a door seems to be open to you, ask yourself if that's the means God wants you to use to reach the end.The showing of all working is the end and not the answer!


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