The diary game: 10/10/2021 : Return to Bafoussam

in Steem Cameroon3 years ago (edited)

Hello hello fellow and loving steemians, it's another pleasure to recount the events which happened during the 10th of this month.

Dear Diary,


Today being Sunday, i woke up at 5am, since i didn't sleep at my place and didn't even expect sleeping in Dschang that day. I looked for a means to clean up and get to church.
Ohh i didn't take a bath yaah, i cut my seba and put on my clothes. Not actually my clothes though😅
The trousers were @stan96's and the rest were mine.

I left for church at 7:45am and boarded a bike, which left me at the church and at my surprise i was very early😅 the church was still locked. I met one sister at the door who sent her sister to get the keys from the elder's place which is just beside the church.


(The church doors still locked)

After sometime the lil girl arrived and i was honoured to open the doors, today was the first day i will attend service at the new site. I got in and first prayed then placed the chairs in order.

(Chairs on set)

After some mins, we were led into prayer by the elder's wife and little by little, people began coming in. By 8:30am we were done praying and went forth with the "school of the spirit" taken from Romans 6:10-16.

Then choir ministrations and then the word from Pastor on Acts 2:1-4 titled When you're in a room I've paraphrased, coz i can't remember vividly. The sermon was great! I enjoyed every bit of it.


Church ended at 12pm and i had the honour to address my youths after the service. It was quite cool, speaking as a presido😂 never felt that way before. After which i left for home.

(on my way home)

On my way, i remembered I had to greet one of my university friends from Bambili who is expecting a lil baby.
I arrived while she was peeling potatoes😅 she didn't expect my visit so i seized the knife from her and finished the peeling while discussing and making her laugh.

I finished peeling, i washed the potatoes while she sliced cabbage then i proceeded with the spices, passed them into the Moulinex and all was set on the fire.
While it was cooking, i we t to the store and bought bread which i ate with the chocolate 😁

Finally, food was ready at about 3pm😊 i pressed it quick into my system😂 i love food diminishing

(ze food diminishing)

I had to eat just a little, after that i rested and told her i wanted to travel back she wasn't happy. She wanted me to stay in Dschang😅 i convinced her then i left for Stan's place. I arrived, quickly packed my stuff, changed and trekked to the park😂 oh i love trekking. I was to pass by my sister @larissa237's place but it was threatening to rain and a bus was already ready to kick off.


As i sat in the bus i wasn't at ease coz i didn't see the family. After some mins we took off and it was set for a 45mins journey. I arrived Bafoussam at 6:10pm and began trekking home with my earpiece.
I arrived home at 7pm and immediately i greeted mom, we left to meet my uncle in a bar. Normally i won't go but because mom couldn't go alone i had to go see her off. We arrived and they commanded their usual beer 🍺 and I took cold Djino 🧃😂. Come and see how they were looking at me. Commanded pork and ate then we left.

Bars ain't places to visit, it felt so uneasy to me. I arrived home exhausted, and still asked my lil sister to serve me food. I was served potatoes again and these children didn't put fish in my dish, i threatened not to eat in the presence of dad and mom, my lil sisters pleaded and i felt a lil important 😂. Should an elder brother not shwang?😅 Our benji was angry😂 and i was happy.

That's how I left them to get to my room coz it was almost midnight and i had to keep my prayer watch.
Thanks fir reading my usual long diaries 😂
God bless you, Shalom ❤️



 3 years ago 

Wow bro you had a great day. Always on time and arrange the church before the arrival of everyone.
I love that word, I pressed it into my system 😂😂😂.
When are you coming back to dschang bro?

 3 years ago 

Hahahaha my brother I'm coming today but will leave again on Sunday😂

 3 years ago 

Ok bro I will be there on Sunday

 3 years ago 

I’m laughing cause you’re really here telling us that you cut seba😂😂 Eweee.
You said addressed your youths ? I apologize. I’ve not read your previous posts where you may have explained. What do you mean?
Sounds like a rewarding day.

 3 years ago (edited)

Hahaha should a boy tell a lie?😂😂 I had no choice
Addressing the youths as their new president 😅

 3 years ago 

Jesus loves you too bro.
Presido!! presido!! presido!! presido!! 👏👏You cut ya wetin???
Nice day bro.

 3 years ago 


 3 years ago 

I have discovered that you love food and I’m so happy because I am a farmer and I’m happy to see our products being consumed all day

 3 years ago 

Hahahah don't worry I'll continue diminishing your products😂😂😂

 3 years ago 

Hshahaha. So you came to Dschang and passed silently???? You did a nice thing by helping that lady. I now know you will make a good husband. That is good bro keep up.

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