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RE: #club75 | Seeking the Holy Spirit : Sharing my Little Experience

in Steem Cameroon3 years ago

Hallelujah! This is the best testimony I've heard so far. It's amazing to serve the Lord. I encounter those questions everyday and everytime. Some ask if I'm a pastor, even mockingly start calling me that but i take all as a prophecy. You should expect all these stones while walking in Jesus.

There's this last question/statement that got me interested.

You are not supposed to date a guy who isn't a believer.

This statement is 100% correct. You don't date an unbeliever on the basis of evangelizing to him or her. It'll make you to compromise on many things just because emotions are involved. It may shock you that emotions are not part of the fruits of the spirit, instead they mingle with your soul and satisfy the flesh. What I'm conclusively saying is this, Do not be yoked together with unbelievers, for what fellowship hath light with darkness.

If you must date, make sure he is a believer, not a church goer but a believer before you go into a relationship. Don't say it's coz you want to evangelize when you too are into him. If not, you guys will end into one another and regretting after.

Thank you for loving Jesus

 3 years ago 

Yes Sir!
Thanks you for clarifying me

 3 years ago 

You're welcome

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