#Club100 | The Diary Game | Betterlife with Steem (29/08/2021) : I don't serve a dead God. He is Alive and doing wonders | Power Up 100% and support #burnsteem25steemCreated with Sketch.

in Steem Cameroon2 years ago

Hello to all, hope you're all doing great! Well today is another diary day and i hope you all enjoy this one from Monday the 29th. Quite a tough day.

Dear Diary,

As usual, i woke up early at 6am because I slept late at 3am the previous night. I woke up that early coz i had work to attend to in another town. So i woke up, prayed and thanked God and without even brushing up, just rinsed my mouth, i was out of the house ready to go to the park. My brother took me on his bike and off for the park we went.

IMG_20220829_062715_028.jpg On our way to the park with my facemask because it was very cold that morning

We arrived the park and fit what seemed like 30mins i was searching for where i could do a money withdrawal, since it was very early in the morning. I finally got it and went to the park to get my ticket. We got into a car and we kicked off at 7am on the dot.

While i sat in the bus I received a text from a duster who tabled a request before me. I was in awe when I heard it, so i began to pray about it then texted apostle so we could pray together for the issue.

Screenshot_20220831-040814.jpgHer screenshot when she texted at 7am

I arrived Bagangte at 7:50am and straight i went home to clean up a lil before I head over to work. I did all that in 10mins and at 8:05am i was at work. We had our devotion, then i went to my lab. While i was busy working, it was 10am already and i received another text from this girl and it so amazed me how God does his things. See for yourselves in the screenshot.

Screenshot_20220831-040850.jpgScreenshot of her testimony just some moments after her request

You see how God can do things? He is so so wonderful. I don't understand how a woman can be in labour for 3 days and all of a sudden after prayers are made she just gives to birth to a bouncing baby boy, when doctors had concluded that she will go through operation. I was so happy in the lab that i shared the testimony with my intern.

It was finally time to go back home, and i was super exhausted, i cleaned the lab together with my intern and we both left for our homes. I was also very famished, i invited her to get something with me but she declined because it was getting late. So i let her go and i had my night meal in a restaurant.

IMG_20220829_162334_707.jpgMy evening meal

Immediately i finished my meal i went forth to my place and had to curate and review engagement contest entries in the community. But i was so tired i had to rest first. I slept and woke up at 10pm to begin the work. I thank God it was a wrap, though tiring but it was cool😎. That's how I spent my day and thanks for reading through.


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