Thanksgiving for restoration if my daughter's health

in Steem Cameroon3 years ago

Steem greetings to every steemian in the compound. Good morning and may our good Lord grant us all a blessed day ahead. It's been a complete week of no activity for me in the steemit platform but we thank God I am back.

It may interest you to know what would have taken the time of an active steemian like myself for up a week. Possibly not work as it has never been.

If you have been following me up keenly then you will remember that the last post I did here which was my best day was testifying how my baby who was not feeling fine had recovered to an extend.

That gave us enough joy as parents to see her in her mood after days.

On sunday the 17th of October after attending church service fully i came out to discover that my wife had left the church before service could come to an end.when I tried to find out what had happened she said the baby was just crying. But we had the whole sunday home with her playing and when it was finally time to sleep it all started again.

The child started having a running stomach(diarrhea). This went on for close up to 11 times in just one night and at thesame time her temperature began rising . At about 4am the child became so weak and hot that I myself I got confused and at the point in time I had to call our doctor and explained.

After explaining what was happening to the child he advised me to prepare an ORAL REHYDRATION SOLUTION (ORS) and administer to her as first aid since it was still so early. We gave it to her as much as she could drink.


When it was finally 6am in the morning we rushed her to the healthcentre in the quarter where she was placed on a drip to revitalize her lost body cells, while they were doing laboratory tests to decide what was disturbing her.

At this point in time I had to leave her with my wife and rush back home and prepare and go to work. By 7:30am I was already at work. I worked as fast as I could but at everyone point I had to call back to know how far they had gone. 👇👇👇



I finally returned home by 5pm and the result showed nothing positive but the child's temperature kept rising as she continued to stool(diarrhea). The whole evening they tried to stop the diarrhea and control her temperature but there was no improvement.

The next morning the doctor in the healthcentre had to refer us to a bigger hospital for better follow (to see a pediatrician in the Lacantini hospital). Since I have never trusted or liked that particular hospital, I told the doctor to let us rather go to the MBOPPI BAPTIST HOSPITAL (MBINGO DOUALA).

So very early at 7:30am I called my boss to explain to her that I could not make it to work because I wanted to follow up my child's health. She understood and we prepared and left for Mbingo.


Upon arrival there, there was already a long line to follow before we could visit the pediatrician. Then I remembered I had a friend who worked there. I immediately called her and she came out and when we called the pediatrician was notnon seat we were forced to see a general practitioner.

After she had checked the baby she recommended that the child be admitted so that they run a series of tests . They demanded that we do a deposit of 50.000frs before anything could be done. I went to the cash desk and did the deposit at once.

The child was then taken to the children's ward and admitted. They began administering some drips on her to maintain her temperature and stop the diarrhea because it was making her weak. Samples of her stool,urine and blood were collected for the tests.

The next morning we were told that all the tests were NEGATIVE but for bacteria infection that came POSITIVE. They began injecting her with antibiotics for two days but it did not calm the situation. This called for a second urine test to be done to able to decide the exact bacteria to facilitate treatment.






Every morning from that Tuesday till monday the 25th of October, my program changed. Whem I got up at 5am ,I will prepare breakfast and cover a very long distance to the hospital, then return back home and begin work ,finish work at 4pm and go back to the hospital and buy food for her mother to eat then return home to finish work and prepare for the next morning.

All these took me time and did not permit me to carry out my usual posts on the steemit platform.

At the end of the stay in the hospital my child was feeling better and could even smile . I was landed a bill of 125.000frs which I could not afford ,so I contacted a colleague who send me 50.000frs which I used with what I had on me to clear the hospital bills.

Thank you for your intervention


I then asked myself how I will raise the borrowed money to refund to my colleagues. Then I remembered I have my steemit platform and I said let me relaunch my activities here and see how it will be.

Itwas a difficult week for me but I thank God for restoring my daughter's health.

Kindly help me make this post get the support needed.

Thank you for reading through.

Permit me to copy these admins for better followup

Cc: @majerius @saxopedia @thegreens @fombae

 3 years ago 

Oooh noooh🤦 I'm sorry to hear about your child's health situation bro. Thank God for his divine healings and restoring back your beautiful's daughter's health. I pray he continues to protect and watch over your child's health

 3 years ago 


 3 years ago 

God will never abandoned us bro. He always makes a way even when there seems to be no way. Relationships are central in everything we do, he position your friend in the hospital to use her to serve you at a moment like this.
I pray that the healing go to completion in Jesus name

 3 years ago 


 3 years ago 

Oh my! I can imagine how down you must have felt seeing your child going through so much and yet test results keep coming out negative.
Thank God that what was disturbing her got discovered and also for her good health now

 3 years ago 


 3 years ago 

I can imagine how you felt with your daughter,s situation as parent .thank God for the quick recovery 🙏🙏🙏 and for always there to provide when they seems to be no way

God bless … happy for baby girl

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