#Burnsteem25 || Steemit Engagement Challenge S4-W1 | My view on Cyber Bullying - by @lhorgic

in Steem Cameroon2 years ago


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Hello friends and famz in this communinty, although it's my first time of visiting this community, the fact is,there is always a first time to everything in life and I already feel at home here. Yes! am super happy to be here,I also believe am very much welcome here.

Having gone through the contest topic,I decided to contribute my quota via this entry. I hope you all find it Interesting.

Lest I forget,I will like to invite my very good friends @olabillions @ruthjoe @josepha @yakpeace to come check out this amazing contest

What is your understanding on Cyber bullying?

Cyber has to do with anything that involves activities online which includes internet interaction or communication. The internet has really being a huge blessing no doubt,we can all attest to this fact.

But it quite unfortunate that many now use it as a tool to take advantage and pick on people. This is where the concept of bully comes in. Many are victims of these activities online and have suffered greatly from it.

There are so many context to this this subject,"Cyber bully" as they can be seen as coward who want to perpetrate malicious act but hide behind their computer, concealing their identity to pick on people.

They can also be seen from the stand point of some persons who use their technical know-how and understand of how the internet work to bully people. Many are in the cyber space today but don't really have profound knowledge on how to operate here nor co - exist with these people.

These so called cyber bully ride on the wings of people ignorance to exploit them. The truth is they always have a leverage on people they successfully bully and get away with.

Have you ever been a victim or perpetrator of Cyber bullying?

Well to the best of my knowledge I've not been bullied before. I believe it's because I am always very careful when it come to my online activities. I know there are many good and bad actors in this space. The bad actors are there for their selfish Interest and will do anything to get it at the detriment of others.

I don't joke with security when it comes to online activities. I try as much to avoid links am not familiar with and ignore spam comment or invitations of all kind.

I believe the reason why many click on links that they don't trust is because of the bait which is always in form of incentives. This bait work more often than not, people get caught up and then suffer in the hands of this people. We see all those kind of links and posts on social media.

We need to be very careful of this bait,these bully like I mentioned earlier knows better than whoever falls into their trap through their bait and you have to be equipped with knowledge to outsmart them.

Give an instance (if any) wherein you or someone you know felt bullied in cyberspace, and what spiked such a feeling. (It could be throughout any social platform)

Yea I know of a friend, a very good one at that whose social media account was highjacked. It was a very unpleasant moment. He didn't even know it had been penetrated until some friends including myself started contacting to know if he still has control over his account.

It was obvious the person behind the account wasn't communicating like him. The person was sending direct messages to all his contact telling them about one money (doubling and trippling) scheme he was into and would want us to benefit from.

I think I need to mention that not all bullies are directly after your money or asset. They could as well use you as a bait to get others. That was what they did in my friends case. They wanted to use his personality and integrity to pick on his friends and follower.

As far as I know, we we ended up not retrieving that social media account. Maybe now, he might have resolved it but one thing am sure of is that he opened another account and contacted all his friends about the highjacked account.

How did this encounter affect this said person?

My answer to this question won't be any different from the answer you will get from any psycological being who also has blood running through his or her vein. The effect was negative.

He felt really bad about it. It was an account he has been using for a very long time. It funny how these guys target accounts that has existed for long (at least from 5 years above) for their malicious acts.

He moved on because we couldn't keep crying over a spilt milk. He just couldn't recover it as at the time I followed up. Things might be different now because knowledge they say is power he might have researched on how to get back such account.

*How safe do you feel on Steemit? And have you ever felt bullied at any point in time? (on Steemit)

Percentage is always measured with 100 but with steemit I would say I feel safe and secured here 200% which means am double sure of what am saying.

I could remember months ago while signing up here, I was given useful tips on how to live here...(lols). Yea, steemit is like my second house or should I say virtual house where you can always reach me.

So one of the useful tips given to me was to keep my Keys very safe. Infact keeping it outside my device so that it doesn't get tampered with. I was also told to avoid links that could jeopardize my account.

The truth about this stared at me in the face when I personally witnessed some highjacked account myself on the platform. These were people who got caught in the bait anyways. I hope you've not forgetting the bait I talked about...the incentives

I was new then but this confirmed the lecture we were given about security on the platform. If you don't share your keys with anyone,no on will gain access to your account neither will your account be tampered with if you avoid any link that promises you heaven and earth even Jesus didn't succumb to this, who do I then take after with my selfish act...lols

What lessons did you gain from such a scenario? And what advice can you give to your audience?

I learnt that security is everyone's business. You have to be security conscious online and offline. We should avoid being carefree about our activities as it relates to the cyber space.

My advice.

Arm yourself with relevant knowledge and information. This will go a long way in protecting you from these bullies. They only thrive on your ignorance. That is the leverage they have over you

If you have active social media account do well to enable the "authentication" feature that make it difficult for them to just badge in and do whatever with your account.

You should also try as much as possible to avoid links whose source you ain't sure of. They could harm you. Look out for bait that sounds or looks too good to be true. They could just be another bait.


Cyber Bullies could be called cowards but don't underestimate them. They could do you damage that will take a very long time to recover from. Get relevant knowledge to be ahead.

I want to believe you have learnt a whole lot form this write up. Do comment,upvote and resteem if you got value. Thanks got your time.


 2 years ago 

You have presented a wonderful writeup here my friend, I'm glad that you have never been bullied before because you are always very careful. You said you trust the steemit platform with a percentage of 200%, this is indeed a very high rating and i can see the magnitude of your trust for the platform. Truly steemit is very safe because people here don't talk to each other without respect. Everyone on this platform seems to be very humble. I wish you success in this contest my friend.

 2 years ago 

Thanks dear friend am glad you took your time to go through my post. This is much appreciated. I wish you the very best in your entry as well.

 2 years ago 

Hola amigo.
Estoy de acuerdo contigo, de que existen personas, dando mal uso a estas herramientas tan importantes, solo con la finalidad de molestar a los demás.

Cosa que no se ve en steemit, porque es una red social, que nos brinda seguridad.


 2 years ago 

Thank you dear friend am happy to see your beautiful comment. Thanks for visiting. Gracias.♥️

 2 years ago 

These so called cyber bully ride on the wings of people ignorance to exploit them

Hello friend, the truth is that you are right, many of these people must have suffered some kind of bullying or psychological problems in their childhood.

It is good that you are careful with your social networks, it is the best way to avoid cyberbullying. Although there can always be ill-intentioned people who want to annoy.

Greetings and blessings friend!!!

 2 years ago 

You're very right...you know hurting people hurt people as well. Some might have suffered psycological problem growing up. Thanks for the beautiful comment dear friend.

 2 years ago 

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 2 years ago 

Hello friend, I so much thank you for inviting me to take part in the contest which you have written so well. Honestly, cyber bullying is a serious trait to the internet because is making people to loss trust. Thank you so much for sharing your nice post with us.

 2 years ago 

My very good friend,am glad you came over to share your thought on my post. I really do appreciate. I will be looking forward to your entry as well.

 2 years ago 

You have posted a wonderful writeup here my friend, I'm happy that you have never been bullied before because you are always very careful. Truly steemit us very safe . I wish you best of Luck..

 2 years ago 

Thank you so much dear friend. You have done really well by visiting my post. I hope your will be taking part in this contest as well... #steem-on

 2 years ago 

I hope your will be taking part in this contest as well... #steem-on

I also take participate in this contest.
My Entry
If you have time so please visit my post and leave your review.

 2 years ago 

It is quite interesting to see that cyber bullying is a bad act even though people used it as an advantage to to get over other people most especially this scammer out there but am glad you have never fall a victim this people out there like you rightly said it good we should be careful but don't forget that steemit is the best social media platform ,a platform where all our information are secure and I believe that we are going to do our almost best to see that we do not fall victim.of these scammer out there by stop disclosing our personal information out there on other social media platform

 2 years ago 

Thanks you so much dear friend. This comment is highly appreciated,it shows you went through the post. Thanks once again for dropping by.

 2 years ago 

You are highly welcome my good friend and hope you keep bringing interesting post like this

 2 years ago 

Thank you for the invite my dear friend..

Seriously cyber bullying it's becoming very rampant especially in this generation. And like you have said, the best way to get security against cyber bullying is to arm oneself with the right knowledge..

I would share my story in my entry..

 2 years ago 

Thanks for sharing your thought about my write up,am glad you agree with me on this subject. I will be looking forward to your entry. #steem-on

 2 years ago 

I have dropped my entry, you can have a look at it.

 2 years ago 

Right away dear...

 2 years ago 

Hello. Greetings my friend.
I'm so impressed with your collective breakdown on Cyberbullying . Well explained..

Your just so lucky not to be a victim of Cyberbullying. And hope you stay careful always.

Sorry for your friend and thank God you guys were able to recognize it was not him and raising the alarm as quick as possible.

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