in Steem Cameroon3 years ago

Hello steemians around the world.
It's a pleasure for me to participate in this edition of the greendeed contest volume 4 centered on walking or cycling.
I would have loved to do the walking and cycling but cycling is not my thing because I've never tried it before.
What I do is walking and I walk very often though not for very long distances. I walk 35 to 50minutes a day and I do that almost everyday. On average I walk 270minutes a week .
I go to school almost every day and that's the highest place I walk to. I live very far from my school (at the outskirts of the town) so I always walk a considerable distance before hiring a bike if I have to so as to reduce my transportation costs first and for other reasons too.
Walking has a great and positive impact on climate change in the following few ways;

(having a walk to a nearby quater)

  • Having a walk reduces the circulation of automobiles thus leading to less emissions of gasses in the environment. Less air pollution creates a more friendly climatic condition.
  • walking also leads to a reduction in noise pollution thus leading to a quieter environment.
    -walking leads to the maintenance of the ecosystem as spaces are not being opened to create motor able roads which will entail the destruction of the vegetation. Walking helps to protect biodersity in our environment.

(some time ago, having my usual walk back home)
Apart from the advantages that walking has on climate change, it also provides some socio-economic and health benefits to me.

socio-economic Benefits

  • Walking reduces my transportation costs and saves me money for other needs. For a distance of 200frs,i walk and reduce the cost to 100frs.
  • walking creates a friendly and happier surroundings for me. I normally read a lot so one of the ways I use to relax my brain after reading is by walking instead of taking a bike immediately. Being in contact with nature helps me relax.

Health Benefits

  • healthwise, walking enables me to improve my heart condition and lungs, strengthens my muscles. It also improves blood circulation in my system.
  • it contributes to my fitness, makes my very lighter and flexible. It reduces fatigue as well.
  • walking enables me to sleep very well especially when stressed up. When I stress up during the day and it's time to get home, I walk for like 15-20 minutes so as to have a good quality sleep and also sleep easily.

All in all, walking or cycling has benefits which cannot be undermined thus important we make it a habit.

 3 years ago 

Hey @larissa237 walking is indeed so benecial to us.Apart from walking do you also do more demanding exercise like running or push ups??? Nice meeting you on steemit.

 3 years ago 

The pleasure is mine.
I've never really had time to do running and push ups. I keep procrastinating which is not good

 3 years ago 

I can testify to walking as a means to keeping fit and forgetting pressing issues😅 I just love to walk and feel free

 3 years ago 

Your post has been curated by @thegreens with the Steem Cameroon Community Account. Keep dropping creative content to get beautiful rewards from the Steem Cameroon Community and feel free to contact @thegreens for all your steem questions and challenges.
Remember to participate in any of the following contests or programs organized for Cameroonian Steemians;

  1. The Power Up Challenge
  2. Creative Writing Contest
  3. Green Deeds Contest
  4. Best Day of the Week Contest
  5. Steemit Achievement Pledge Program
  6. Steem Cameroon Delegations Reward Program


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