Steemit Engagement challenge S4-W1/My view on Cyber Bullying-by @kouba01 | #club100 #burnsteem25

in Steem Cameroon2 years ago


Hi dear Steemians,

I offer my distinguished greetings to all the hardworking members of the Steem Cameroon community and thank them for raising this important and dangerous subject in the age of the development of the Internet and social media, especially in shaping the character of our children in the future.

For this I decided to participate in this first week of the Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 4, so that I can benefit from something with my own experience and I of course invite my colleagues @fredquantum, @steemdoctor1 and @pelon53 to inform us about this subject and I wish you an interesting reading.

What is your understanding on Cyber bullying?

My own definition of cyberbullying is the exploitation of the Internet and related technologies for the purpose of harming others in a deliberate, repetitive, and hostile manner. It is also a despicable attempt to impose isolation and social exclusion, and this has many social effects, including:

Low self-esteem of those subjected to bullying, which generates feelings of revenge, develops fear and frustration for life, and leads to avoidance of public participation in various social activities, and bullying can rise to the level of psychological disorders, and other negative social evils, the many damages of which affect the The family, children and society, recognizing the danger of violent and corrupt electronic games, with the seriousness of hostility, as one of the many and varied causes of bullying.

Since this method has become popular in society, especially among young people, legislative and awareness campaigns have been developed for the struggle.


Have you ever been a victim or perpetrator of Cyber bullying?

In my youth, I was exposed to several situations of electronic bullying, which coincided with the invention of Facebook and social media, as well as the obsessed use of the Internet as a space for discover the whole world behind a screen, where it was natural for me to chat frequently and search for people everywhere in order to meet and establish friendships.

Give an instance (if any) wherein you or someone you know felt bullied in cyberspace, and what spiked such a feeling. (It could be throughout any social platform)

Among the situations, I met a European girl, and when she asked me where I live, I told her Tunisia, and she laughed and said to me: “So you always travel with animals?

In fact, I was shocked by this superficial thinking and hostile view of Arabs, but I was rational when I asked her to tell me what her area of expertise was, and she told me that she did not finish her studies and she worked in a supermarket as a cashier.

I answered him that the one you think of as the least is originally a computer engineer who can program the machine on which you work, and that it is better to respect people in their origins and peoples and I I immediately cut off contact with her.

How did this encounter affect this said person?

Another situation I remember with a woman from Canada, I told her that I was fasting in Ramadan, so she laughed and said to me, "Can't you find anything to eat?"

So I apologized for her ignorance of my religion and tried to simplify and explain the obligation of fasting for us Muslims, and show its psychological and health benefits for the human body, which made her ask for forgiveness and she thanked me for the information I gave her, and she became one of my best friends.

I am lucky to have been exposed to these situations when I was a bit mature and had been able to manage things in my head before judging them or reacting aggressively, because I considered that the other bullied, because he ignores our beliefs and our societies, or they haven't reached a stage of awareness of accepting each other, so I absorb my anger every time and try to change the bully idea, and I succeeded in most cases. But my fear remains for my children, who received this technology early, so I make a big effort to surround them and not leave them alone on the Internet so that they do not become a victim of this dangerous phenomenon.


How safe do you feel on Steemit? And have you ever felt bullied at any point in time? (on Steemit)

Perhaps one of the things that the Steem platform benefits from is tolerance and respect between all societies, regardless of the difference of religion, race or color, and this is one of the principles the most important on which any means of social communication must be based in order to continue.

I have also felt this in my exchanges and my relationships with several users and I have not experienced any form of electronic harassment despite the differences between us and what unites us is to provide quality content to promote our platform, and if there are problems between individuals, it is because one of them has not respected the principle of transparency and integrity in the vote. No change, without prejudice to the beliefs or convictions of the other.

What lessons did you gain from such a scenario? And what advice can you give to your audience?

Michael J. Fox — 'One's dignity may be assaulted, vandalized and cruelly mocked, but it can never be taken away unless it is surrendered.'

First, we must know why anyone, no matter what, would bully another person?

Often the reason is to enjoy the reaction of the bully on him, or sometimes the reason may be that the person who bullies is also being bullied at home by his brothers or relatives...etc, so that he has a reverse reaction that makes him do the same thing at school, for example, on his colleagues so that he feels that he too He has a strong personality and can make others laugh.

The best solution to dealing with the bully is not to let him get what he wants from you, that is, do not react or show him indifference and lack of interest.

For example if he told you: Today you look like an idiot! Tell him: I really have the same feeling, or I think you're right, or I don't care.

Then, always remember when something happens that angers you, remember that it is possible that you are the reason and not people, and you have to know what are the reasons that provoke a feeling of anger inside you and try to tame them.

For example, sometimes the reason for your anger is that you feel that what is happening or said to you is to insult you, and therefore you get angry and the solution is to know that what is happening or said does not evaluate or represent you, but rather is the opinion of the person who deals or talks with you, and that has nothing to do with you. It is just an opinion, nothing more.

Conclusion :

The Internet and the communications and information technology revolution have given us and achieved opportunities that could not have been possible without the presence of this technology, which is no longer a luxury but a necessity of life, so we have to realize its importance and prevent its multiple forms of electronic danger.

In order for the benefit to be greater and the knowledge to be more beneficial, we must make a balanced use of the Internet and its multiple technologies. It deals and interacts with technology as quickly and as rapidly as its development, so it is our duty to spread awareness among them and provide them with cultural programs that reduce their incidence of cyberbullying.



 2 years ago 

I am lucky to have been exposed to these situations when I was a bit mature

Your response to these situations had been adorable. You have truly given a proof of maturity.

so I make a big effort to surround them

That reflects your caring nature as a parent . I would humbly suggest to give them education about it so that they can handle it in a better way on their own even in your absence . Moreover, cyberbullying is not the only evil of internet or technology . You know better about other issues say cybercrimes . You cannot be always around your kids . So awareness about these issues is a better way in my opinion.

Often the reason is to enjoy the reaction of the bully on him

Sir i think you mean reaction of one who is bullied and not the bully ( who bullies somone )

that provoke a feeling of anger inside you and try to tame them.

That is the best lesson but difficult. Anger management is difficult for most of us as humans but one who can control their reactionary behaviour are gonna have peace in their life .

Good luck

 2 years ago 

This is a good explanation of Cyber ​​Bullying. Almost everyone has experienced cyber bullying. My family and I were victims of this 5 years ago. It is very sad when we get Cyber ​​Bullying.

Until now, cyber bullying has become one of my enemies, as long as I am a victim of cyber bullying, I continue to be hostile to cyber bullying. Cyberbullying perpetrators are irresponsible people. I also share about cyber bullying, if you have time please see it and I am very happy.

 2 years ago 

Stay strong my friend and continue your dreams.

When I became a victim there were many things I did, to make things better.

Good advices man..First of all we should think about ourselves. Are any people being bullied by us? Sometimes we say something to make fun of someone but we should think about the fact that the victim might get hurt by our fun..

You have written a great piece on Cyberbullying. Your encounter with the girl is with no doubt a bully and you have just given her a perfect response that would linger in her head for a long time.

Cyberbullying has ever been with us despite different campaigns against it. Thanks for inviting me to this, I have not been able to attend the first one because I'm still searching for an extraordinary piece to share, lol. But this, I'm going to work on it.

I wish you the best in the contest, @kouba01.

 2 years ago 

Thank you and i wish you a good work.


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I agree with you sir, we sure have to know why a person would bully another person on social media but the level at which people are being bullied on social media is high and it should not be like that.

You have shared an important insight and it is expected to truly know why someone would bully another person but know that most of the people involved are jusr our there for money. Goodluck on this contest.

 2 years ago 

Muchas gracias por la invitación. Muy buen trabajo.

Realmente en Steemit se puede observar el respeto y tolerancia, a pesar de que los usuarios en algunos casos no estén de acuerdo con uno.


 2 years ago 

I totally agree with all of your points that you have mentioned here in this post. No doubt, any form of bullying is a very dangerous part of every society and you have given a great lesson that,

"We should absorb our bully reaction on others bully."

That's really a great lesson for me and all others as well. Our religion also advice us to do the same, if you will react in the same bully manner then their will not be a difference between you and him.

Great post boss. Good luck for the contest and thank you for inviting me here. My entry is loading soon, Inshallah.

 2 years ago 

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