Steemit Engagement Challenge S8-W2 | Gender visibility and enquality.

in Steem Cameroon2 years ago (edited)

Hello steemians

It's 8th of March today and a very special day regarding women is celebrated all over the world today. We should respect women because it's very important for the development of a society. Society can never go to went the success if there are no equal rights provided to women of that society.


How can I help my community forge gender-equal world?

I can help my community forge a gender-equal world in several ways.

Highlight the desciplines in which women are providing services.First of all I will highlight the discipline in which there are equal services of females just like males.

If we talk about health sector then female doctors are available for the treatment of patients and without female in health sector we cannot go towards success either female in the form of a doctor or in the form of nurse.

If we talk about women for defence of a country then there are many brave soldiers who are very strong and are protecting their countries just like a man.

If we talk about pilots then women can also be a pilot so in this way they are not less than a man.




If we talk at a low scale then I have seen a lot of brave women either they are qualified or not they are the one who can do hard work for the purpose of giving bread to their children and it's very tough to face these situations in life.

So this is the example that I give about women related to their bravery that they are not less than a man in anyway.

So if I find out an opportunity to raise a voice to remove the inequality between genders and to give the respect to every woman which she deserves then definitely I will take in count all these points and many more.

Can celebrating women's international day increase visibility and equality?

Yes I can say that celebrating women's international Day at 8th of March really increase the visibility and equality between all the genders including men and women.

As motivation is something for people very interesting because they get motivated after having a interesting motivational lecture.




In the same way at every year when you raise voice regarding the equality and visibility of women then all people.

Are feminism fight and women's rights fight same terms?

To check that feminism fight and rights fight of women are the same terms or not first of all it should be very clear the definitions of both.

Basically feminism fight is related to the different ideas and different thinking and perspective of people for the purpose of developing and equality between the genders specially in the gender of a woman because we are talking about feminism.

On the other hand if we talk about the rights fight of women then there are different things in it.

If I summarise and talk in some words then right side of women is the independency and freedom for the women to do anything just like men. Women should have equal rights just like a man because both are equal and both can do the same tasks.




These are not 100% same terms we can say but we can say that both are interrelated with each other just raising the voice for feminism fight or just raising the voice for rights fight of women we cannot achieve the goals that we want in real meanings.

Something about women's of my country parliamentarians, ministers,CEO or any other policical women in top positions

Yes in my country there are many inspirational womens. Their character is really inspired me. Not only their characters inspired me just they also inspired a lot of women as well as men.




As you have talked about women and top positions like president parliamentarians sanitary etc so I also want to share a great leader of a political party and she is a woman but not in us now.

I am talking about a great political leader Benazir Bhutto. She was a great and a brave political leader. She have a very young son when Court punished her in several cases which was not proved later at her.

She was the one who really introduced about the dignity of a woman that how much is important to respect the bravery of women.

What makes a leader??Merit or gender?

Obviously a good leader is made by merit not gender. Marit can be of many types it can be related to the discipline merit, intelligence merit, behavior merit and many more other things.




When there is no gender discrimination because both genders either it is male or female can accomplish the same tasks then it's not right choose to anyone of them just on the base of gender.

Both can have the leadership qualities and both can lead a society the need just is to develop enough skills in theirself.

I want to invite here @wilmer1988 , @msharif , @steemdoctor1 , @faran-nabeel , @graceleon to participate in this engagement challenge.


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