#burnsteem25--Steemit Engagement Challenge S4-W1 | My view on Cyber Bullying - by @jueco

in Steem Cameroon2 years ago


Hello friends,
It is with a joyous heart that I appear before this great community to participate in the steemit Engagement contest for season 4 week 1.

In this Contest, we are required to give a detail on what we know about cyber bully, this is a very interesting topic and before beginning my entry, I will love to invite @favrite @starrchris and @christnenye to participate.

Please follow along as I begin


The word cyber bullying is a very simple term that is easy to understand, but to gain a broader understanding of it, let us understand the word distinctly.

Cyber bullying is a connection of two words, "cyber" and "bullying", let us dive deeper into understanding what cyber mean.

The word cyber was formed by a man known as Norbert Wiener and was coined from the Greek work known as "kybernetes".

The word cyber has a relationship with the terms information and technology, which means that the word cyber has Relationship with computer networks.

In other words, we can say that the word cyber has dealings with all forms of computing, accepting data, processing data, storing data, accessing data and given out processed data, as useful information.

Having known what cyber means, we can proceed to understand what bullying mean.
Bullying can be explained to be an act of using force, threat, coercion to dominate, abuse or intimidate the victim.


With this definition, we can explain cyber bullying to be an act of using information technology as a medium to coerce and threaten an individual against his will.

In a simple term, cyber bullying can be explained to be an intentional and consistent practice of harassing an individual using electronic means


There are different types of cyber bullying and many kids get involved in cyber bully without knowing it is cyber bullying.

Below are some examples of cyber bullying

  • Cyber bullying can be committed by wrongly sharing harmful/degrading rumours about an individual just to ruin their reputation.

  • It is also done by spreading the nude images of others as this is one of the most common form of cyber bullying.

  • Another type of cyber bullying that most are not aware of is by excluding one from an online group chat

  • You can be said to engage in cyber bullying when you continuously transfer explicit text/videos to one who isn't interested in you.

  • Cyber bullying can also be done by exposing ones personal information to the public Without the approval of the person, or impersonating another person identity just to achieve a selfish goal

The above explained are some examples of cyber bullying we aren't aware of.


With the rate at which cyber bully is growing in this technological world is alarming and only little people will say they haven't fallen victim to cyber bully.

I have seen many of my friends fall victim to cyber bullying and I know some of them that were courageous enough to fight it.

I never believed cyber bullying was so real, I thought they have been exaggerating or they have been careless online, not until I fell victim to one.

I have a roommate named John that is a comedian, always uploading funny images (memes) and videos on Facebook.

One day he uploaded a video with a very catching title and when I wanted to view it, I was requested to relogin into my Facebook account by inputting my username and password into the site I was taken to.

Little did I know that his Facebook account has been hacked, I proceeded to input my logins, then all of a sudden I received an email that my Facebook Gmail has been changed.

Before I could hurriedly login to my account inorder to rechange my password, I discovered that I couldn't access my Facebook account anymore.

I felt so sad and angry that I had to call John, only for him to explain to me that his account has also been hijacked.

I felt so sad because I have been using that account for a long time.


Cyber bullying can also be done by using ones details to steal from the person online, more of cyber theft.

A friend of mine who recently opened a bank account here in Nigeria didn't know he can be defrauded and bullied online.

On one faithful day, he received an anonymous call from a person claiming to be his manager.

The name of my friend is Adebayo Michael, so when the call came in, he answered and the voice said "Good day Mr Michael Adebayo, I am Franklin from your bank", "we noticed you have some challenges with your bank and we want to help you clarify it now" the voice continued.

At first my friend was happy because this has saved him the stress of going to the bank.

Then he decided to question the caller and the caller became violent over the phone and threatened Michael that he would loose his account if he doesn't comply that moment by giving them the requested details.

Michael being a novice was scared and he had to release the details to the caller, and in few minutes he received several debit alerts until his account was cleared completely.

He felt so bad and couldn't do anything other than to watch as he was being debited.



Michael felt so sad and wanted to cry, but as a man, he has to hold up the tears.

When he was relating his experience to me, he said he knew it was a scam buy the dip voice with which the caller pressured him with affected his thinking.

He said the caller spoke authoritatively and this really scared him.


Not disputing the fact that steemit is running on a blockchain technology which is decentralized in nature, and which have security as one of it's main charateristics.

Steemit cannot be 100% secured as there are some steemians with an alterior motive, they always try to scam individuals of their hard earned money.

Few days ago a country rep of Nigeria @ubongoudofot gave an alarm to all on the steemit ecosystem, warning them about an unknown scammer who visits the blog of steemians all with the intent of scamming them.

To read more about it, visit his alarming post here

Another instance of cyber bullying I know about is that of my very close friend @arinzegod12, his steemit account was hacked and the hacker initiated power down on his account.

With the help of some steemit witness, he was able to revive his account before any permanent damage could be done

With these happenings, I couldn't help but to feel more extra careful on steemit.

Yes I believe that steemit is 100% safe, as long as you don't share your keys and you don't act greedily by clicking phishing links.

Ever since I started my journey on steemit, I have never felt bullied before, I have not come in contact with any bully, as I have made it a point of duty to avoid this "get rich quick" schemes being promoted.


From the scenerio of Michael and @arinzegod12, I have learnt to only do to others what I want them to do to me.

Becoming a cyber bully might be an interesting game to the bully but it causes havoc in the lives is the intimidated.

And as such, I have learnt to stay away from not only cyber bullying but any other form of bully as it is detrimental to others.

Below are the advice I'll give to my audience.

  • Learn to fight away greed from your heart.
    Many fall victim to cyber bully/crime due to the greed they have within them, which is not good.

  • Another advice I will love to give to my audience is that they should be careful when clicking links, not all links are genuine and should be clicked.
    For more information on the kind of links to click on steemit, visit fredquantum post here

  • Also, you need to avoid giving off sensitive details about yourself to others, more especially the social media.
    People who claim to be your friend may just be looking for the right opportunity to attack you.

  • Finally, always be at alert when dealing with strangers, more especially those that comes with good intentions, you need to be careful with them.


Cyber bullying is a practice that comes with a consequence and as such Shouldn't be encouraged, even among children.

Children needs to be enlightened on cyber bullying Inorder to prevent them from falling victim to cyber bullies

 2 years ago 

You have made a very beautiful entry. These cyber Bullies are every where that of the bank agent is rampant and many still fall for it today.

I have a friend who fell for it,she lost everything in that account,I really felt bad about it but God provided a means of sustainance in spit of it all. Lest I forget,am also sorry about your hacked Facebook account.

These guys look out for old account,only God knows why they are interested in old accounts...

Thanks for sharing once again. I wish you the very best.

 2 years ago 

So sorry to hear about your friend, and I am happy she could scale through that tough time.

Thanks for your visit bro

 2 years ago 

El acoso cibernético se presta para tanto y uno de los más comunes son las estafas que cada vez toman más .

Es por eso que todos debemos estar muy atentos y no dar nuestros datos a cualquier persona que nos llame sin antes verificar que sea realmente quien es.

Otra forma de evitar es no abrir nuestras cuentas en dispositivos desconocidos.


 2 years ago 

Yes, we should be very careful of who we give our details to.
Thanks for visiting

 2 years ago 

Si, tiene mucha razón amigo, a veces pensamos que la victima está exagerando y eso minimiza mucho la gravedad del asunto, y aumenta la angustia del agraviado. Se necesita tener un poco más de empatía para entender a esas personas que son víctimas de acoso cibernético.
Muy buen razonamiento sobre este tema amigo. felicidades y éxito en el concurso.

 2 years ago 

Thank you very much for your remarks, we always need to learn to put ourselves in the shoes of others

 2 years ago 

Also, you need to avoid giving off sensitive details about yourself to others, more especially the social media.
People who claim to be your friend may just be looking for the right opportunity to attack you.

yes Agreed with you we should avoid to gave our senstive information to others So that we can enhance the protections from bullying.
With the developmemt in the social media the cyber crimes rate also increasing and sometimes the people clamied to be your friends are the back attackers.

Impressive explanation of all the questions.Thanks for sharing with us.Best of luck for the contest.

 2 years ago 

Giving sensitive details about ourselves is just like giving them the password to our devices, they can easily unlock it

 2 years ago 

What a comprehensive write up and i must say that is greed that prompt cyberbullying and if we can get rid of such thought, this alone will not reduce it but it can terminate such ridiculous act and bring peace in cyberspace.

 2 years ago 

Yes, most people that fall victim falls because of greed, we need to work on that too

 2 years ago 

True talk my brother

 2 years ago 

Hola amigo @jueco, hasta que no se vive un situación como la que vivió tu amigo los otros conocidos que han perdido su clave uno piensa que es mentira pero es ciberacoso es una realidad por eso hay que ser cauteloso para suministrar cierto tipo de información y no creer en todas esas ofertas que nos conseguimos en el camino

Exitos en el concurso,



 2 years ago 

Yes, you are right, until one has fallen victim, he won't understand that it's real

 2 years ago 

You wrote so beautifully and very well explained the issue. There are very bad consequences of cyber bullying that could sometimes even benlife threatening.

 2 years ago 

Yes, I agree with you on this, thanks for visiting friend

 2 years ago 

I think the advice you give is very useful to avoid cyberbullying. People often share very specific details of their lives on social networks, which opens a door to vulnerability. It is also necessary to educate children on how to avoid and defend themselves in case of suffering some kind of cyber attack.

 2 years ago 

Exactly, children more especially needs to be enlightened in cyber bullying

 2 years ago 

I have learned to only do to others what I want them to do to me.

You are very right friend, this is a safe line. Karma applies where we do evil then one day we will be harmed by others, on the other hand if we do good then other people will also do good to us, and don't look for trouble if you don't want to be in trouble.
A great article friend, wish you success with the contest...

 2 years ago 

Thank you very much for your kind words, wish you the very best in your Contest too

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