Suprise or promise, which did you prefer?

in Steem Cameroon2 months ago


Greetings my fellow steemians how are you all doing today I'm john from Nigeria, it my pleasure having you guys all in this week amazing contest "Surprise or Promise ? Which do you prefer" From #steem-cameroon, I decided to take part in this week contest to bring out my best

On this contest which is surprise or promise which did you prefer? Some people answers will come from their past experiences which have make them choose one from the above options given.


Have you ever been surprised or promised before? Share what or how it looks like

In countless number of times I have been surprised and promised sometimes from my parents, friends, neighbours, and loved ones, but I will be sharing with you one of the moment I still remember very well that people promised and surprised me, when I was in junior secondary school 3 (JSS3) my school hosted a spelling bee competition with other neighboring secondary schools so I was among the 4(four) students selected to represent my school two of us were in junior class while the other two were in senior class because the competition was for junior and senior class I can still remember that 8(eight) schools took part in the competition making it sixteen students in each section, when we were about starting the rules were red out by the judge which also says that some numbers of students with the lowest mark will be disqualified in the end of each round till they gets to the winners which is first, second, and third position, unfortunately my colleagues that we both represented our school got disqualified in the first round which gave me much fear, and discouragement but the only thing that keeps me moving was presence of my fellow students and teachers that was in the school hall, when we got to final stage when we were left with just four of us that's when the panic and fear of loosing arose but thank God I won at last which made me popular not only in our school but in other school as well, I after every presentation 🎁 I received as the prize winner some still comes as a very big surprise from the principal and some of the teachers and staffs which I was not expecting at all, some Even promised me somethings which some comply and many did not up till today.


How was your reaction to the surprise or promise?

As for the suprise i was so happy, grateful and surprised as well because I was not expecting anything from them not even up till that point,....while for promised when I received it I was happy but not as much as the suprises I received because I was expecting it from them and even those who didn't fulfill their promises I was I bit angry about it because if they knew they won't redeem what they promised what the essence of making the promise then.

Have you ever surprise or Promise someone? Explain.

Yes of course I do suprise and promise people usually the children in our yard something I will suprise them by giving them a little token of money, snacks and some of my clothes which am no longer wear when they did not expect and I also promise them sometimes when I wish giving them something or they ask for anything I don't have the way I use to escape them was to promise them that will give them once I have it.

Describe a scenario you were promised and it failed.

Without saying much I will take you back to when I say that some teachers and staffs promised me somethings for the spelling bee competition I won and later disappointed as they did not fulfill it
Do you believe in the statement “a promise is a debt”? Expatiate.

I strongly believe that statement, because promise is like debt which will be easy to collect but hard to pay same as promise it will easily said but very difficult for some people to fulfill it, and also I believe it because sometimes if I promise somebody something that I have not fulfill as promised when I see the person on the way I usually have a kind of feeling like somebody owing credit and sometimes divert to another road. That's to say promise is a debt

I have come to the end of this contest which I will like to appreciate the effort of the organizer @chant and also the community #steem-cameroon for this amazing contest I also appreciate those who come this post may you remain blessed.
I will like to call on the attention of my fellow steemians
@majerius, @simonnwigwe, @tipu and @bonaventure24 to take part in this contest thanks

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