Steem Cameroon Contest : National or International awareness day: gender violence

in Steem Cameroon2 years ago (edited)
Greetings community @steemcameroon, Here in my country Venezuela, November 25 is also taken as the day to raise awareness about gender violence. In the year 2020, in the middle of the pandemic, a friend and I made this short film:



I told her that I was a victim of gender violence in my first marriage, where my ex-husband collapsed our house with me inside. Apart from the year and a half of daily physical and emotional abuse that he subjected me to.

So making this short film is something that strikes a chord with me.

Gender-based violence, already a global crisis before the pandemic, has escalated since the COVID-19 outbreak. Lockdowns and other restrictions on movement have forced women to be trapped with their attackers, cut off from social contact and support networks. The deepening of economic precariousness has further limited the ability of many women to leave abusive situations.


The social and economic instability caused by the COVID pandemic will also increase the risk of child marriage, female genital mutilation and human trafficking. At the same time, the pandemic has exposed women leaders to backlash, threats, abuse and harassment online and off. Violence perpetrated against women leaders can prevent them from carrying out their tasks, regardless of the position they hold.

In my country Venezuela, reports of domestic abuse are daily and as a lawyer I witnessed many cases. The biggest problem that arises is the absence of complaints. In a sexist and third world country like this, the police do not attend to the case, they do not go to the place, they do not take the complaint seriously, they do not go out at night, they do not want to open files at night and if the abuser pays them $$, they advise the couple that what happened was only "a temporary impasse". There is also this Latino culture of "staying out of arguments between husband and wife," which has resulted in countless deaths, most of them going unpunished.

esta soy yo

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