"Marriage for Life or Contract Marriage" by:@jb123

in Steem Cameroonlast year




All of us here in on Earth have the right to find lovers. This is a kind of situations in which we can used this as an insperation and motivational to ourlives. I really interested by joining this contest and to share my ideas about Marriage topics. Marriage is a kind of act on which two lovers pledge with each other in front of the altar or in Civil way. This is on of the tradition we always do, no matter what religion we have, Marriage could be done according to their ways and traditions. This is a kind of act on which the Love of each individual binds and tied together as one in front of the witnessess or other people. In religion aspects, it is a kind of ceremonial to have blessings from Priest and other church authorities. For civil acts Marriage can be done with signing of marriage certificates as well as the church weddings.


We all heard this every time when there are weddings, “ FOR BETTER AND FOR WORSE TILL DEATH DO US PART”. This Is very strong pledge by the two lovers in front of many people and it means that no one can take them apart except death. This is a kind of sweet saying and if we really do this, surely even if the two lovers can be in older age, but still they bind with each other as one until death will come through. In my own understanding regarding with the sayings, it means that even if the situation of the newly wed or marriage people will be in crisis such like food, money and other family crisis and even if they suffered stable way of living, still their love with each will always wins for the sake of the Family. We can’t really avoided death, and all of us will leaving in this world in the right time.


Marriage for Life and Contract Marriage is a little bit different. In my own point of view, the Marriage for Life is a kind of act on which the two lovers will pledge of each other about their everlasting love. When we talked about everlasting, it means that the only thing they can take apart is only death. While the Contract Marriage, this is a kind of act on which, the two lovers will signing some contract about the wealth, materials, treasures and other things of man and woman. In the marriage contract, it contains the pledge of the all the things of man and woman, and this can also twisted that the woman would not have the authority to take the things of her partner and so to the woman. This will also serve as the evidence about the marriage of the man and woman and it helps this if there are kinds of problems.

I would rather prefer Marriage for Life, this is the best way to confess our unconditional and everlasting love to our Partners in life.


By means of house chores, back at our Ancestrals and elders time, the Woman should always do the house chores while the man should look for any jobs or works to sustain his family needs. But now in the new and modern world, this kind of situations will no longer followed by the new generations. For me, house chores are not addresses to woman herself. It should be done by the man also, cleaning the house, cooking , and other house chores can do by the man also, and it is very nice to help with each other so that the house chores can easily done in time.


Marriage is not easy and it should be do in a serious ways. For this days, there are lots of teenagers who already tackled about marriage without thinking the deep results about teenage marriage. Some of them do the things that marriage people do. This cannot be happening, the repuation and moral specially for the woman or girl will be lost. The marriage should be done at the age of 20 for the girls and 24 for the boys. I have my simple tips to all lovers who planned for a marriage:

1.Know your partner first.

This will help you to observed his or her style, attitude and aspects of Life. Marriage life is not a kind of hot rice that is spilled out if we get hurt and burn. That is why we should know our partners first.

2.Think about the expenses.

This is also a part if we proposed marriage. Food, venue, decorations, clothes to wear for wedding and other things should be involve and to this, this are very expensive and it needs a lot of money to use. That is why we should find a job first, make a savings before proposing a marriage.

3.Ask yourself if Are you ready to be tied by the knot and raise a family?

This is very important question should always ask ourselves. If we are already to face the new chapter of our Life. If you are having fun of going somewhere along with friends or having fun with a single and free life, better for you to not proposing marriage.

Marriage life is not really easy, and it needs to think deeply before we enter the kingdom of Love.

I would like to invite @manticao, @jessmcwhite and @aehryanglee to join this wonderful contest.


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