The Dairy Game:21:08:2021/Beach and AGM Party with Classmates

in Steem Cameroon3 years ago

Hello beautiful people, I hope we are good and had a fun filled weekend, mine was awesome and in fact i had so much fun being in the company of my secondary school classmates all in the same house for our yearly reunion. We had gotten into the musango beach house in Limbe on Friday the 20th and we were all so excited seeing one another after many years so we kept on discussing all night such that we ended up going to bed very late.
We woke up on Saturday 21:08:2021 at about 6:30am and went into the living room for our morning devotion. It started with songs of worship led by me after which a friend of mine led us in prayers that lasted for about about 20minutes.


When we were done, with prayers, the program for morning chores was read and everyone left for their chores and while some were cleaning, others were in the kitchen preparing breakfast and when everyone was done, we assembled at the dining table for breakfast, we had tea, fried eggs and bread for breakfast


At about 11am, we changed and went to the beach which is only a few seconds from the house . Everyone was dressed in their cute bikini outfits and ready to play with water and take beautiful pictures. The air around the sea is just so different and beautiful, i didn’t even want to go when it was time for us to leave. We were there for about two hours after which we went back into the house to prepare launch



We left from there and went into the kitchen to make launch, while we were cooking, others were in the parlor arranging balloons and other decor items for the AGM (Annual General Meeting) in the night . We prepared eru and garri and had it served when it was ready


We continued with decorations and preparations for the meeting after launch until about 9pm when everyone was set and settled for the meeting, all dressed in either forest green of white representing Saint Rosa’s house that had green as their main dormitory colour back in school . It started with a word of prayer that was followed by the singing of our school anthem, after that the minutes of the last meeting that took place in Bamenda was read and adopted and we proceeded to other matters wherein people raised issues on things they had worries on in relation to our ex student association. We further discussed on the projects we hope to achieve before the year comes to an end, some of the projects include reaching out to vulnerable children and making a teaching schedule for some internally displaced kids who are unable to go to school as a result of the crisis



After that we proceeded to cutting of the AGM cake and popping of the champagne. After we did that, the floor was opened and we continued with drinking and dancing until about 2am when i went to bed although they continued with games .
That is how my day was spent . Thanks for always reading

 3 years ago 

What a colorful event. You guys were looking so clean and beautiful. Hope you did not finish all the food ohh😂

 3 years ago 

Thanks a lot dr

 3 years ago 

Wow what an organised ex student Union. I wish I could meet my secondary school mates too. Your day was filled with so much fun

 3 years ago 

Yes we are very organized 😊

 3 years ago 

Wandas this na diary so?🤔 only long it’s like a script I wrote 😂

 3 years ago 

Hahaha na dairy oh

 3 years ago 

You guys really had a great and colourful day. Irs really always a pleasure meeting with friends again on a picnic.

I feel like going for one now.let dry season come

 3 years ago 

I really enjoyed your diary

 3 years ago 


 3 years ago 

Thanks oh

 3 years ago 

Am telling u it was great

 3 years ago 

Wow your day was filled with activities..
And really interesting

 3 years ago 

Lots of activities

 3 years ago 

This looks like a very fun trip you guys had, full of interesting activities.

 3 years ago 

Thanks oh

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