The Diary Game || Back to School Again! || Betterlife with Steemit.

in Steem Cameroonlast year

Greetings to you all on the platform, it is a pleasure writing to you once again. I hope you are reading this with sound mind and health. It has been a while I shared a diary on the platform, and I want to change that by continuing my usual diary game posts starting with my activities yesterday. My vacations from school were over about two months ago, and we are back to school again!


The stress and pressure of the school environment is always something to complain about, though we complained about how home was becoming boring and how we wished to school will resume fast so we could all get back together and share some memories again. That hasn’t been the case since we resumed, the pressure and stress has just been almost unbearable and there’s nothing we can do more but to complain among ourselves and keep on being students, because that is what we signed up for…. kind of.

Going back to school premises has also been one of the reasons I haven’t been active a lot on steemit, sometimes we get so swallowed up in the pressure that we get about little to no time for anything else. I remember last year I didn’t even visit steemit even once whilst I was in school, but I thought to myself that I should make sometime for steemit as well, maybe even get to share more about my university, University for Development Studies (UDS).

Today was another busy day for my class, MLSD 400. It was just one stressful lecture after another from 7am to 5pm, we bare even got time or break to fill our tummies. This is a picture from our last lecture, I microbiology lecture, the course name alone instills nothing but depression when we hear about, especially at that time of the day. Though its lovely reading on it, but we were just too tired to concentrate at that time. But the authorities say nothing can be dine about the time, we would just have endure it as it is.



We go again tomorrow and the next day after that then after that, till we get break again, from one stressful to another. But we shall endure it and pass through it successfully, and I hope to continue being active on steemit whilst I’m on campus. Wish me luck!

Thank you all for coming through.

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